RageCast 407: DROWN!

Streamed on:

715pm est

The nation is being drowned in taxes, theft, crime, cost of living and endless migration from the third world while being gaslit that its all wonderful by the perpetrators.

Funny enough, you would imagine people with such ambition to cause such destruction would be prepared to be challenged, derided and even hated — but they don't. In fact even minor pushback causes them post traumatic stress disorder, demanding new laws and shuttering all forms of dissent on the basis of "hate".

They deserve to be hated like no one ever has and its out obligation as native inhabitants of this place to make them feel it. Plus, it's a lot of fun to watch them cry and endure a fraction of the mental anguish they've doled out to the public.

The future teases pitchforks and torches.

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