"Tetris" (2023) Directed by Jon S Baird

1 year ago

"Being the admitted film snob that I am and despite being as hooked and addicted to this game along with hundreds of millions of people all around the world, I was slightly hesitant in agreeing to watching this with my son recently and well, we’re all allowed to be wrong sometimes. Any opportunity to watch a film with my son is always gratefully received but I simply didn’t believe this based on true events story would be any good or indeed worthwhile of my taking any notes whatsoever and so instead, and rather ironically, we played an old school card game whilst watching a film about an old school game that bridged the divide between East and West as the countdown to the impending Gamer Wars began and the Cold War was supposedly coming to an end.

Regardless, I won at cards and my son won me over with his choice of film!"

The above is an extract from my spoiler free review of "Tetris" that I originally penned and published to my Medium blog site on 11th April 2023 and the review can be read in full here:


This film also forms part of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" that are currently only available in E-Book or Kindle form but, should you have a Kindle "Unlimited" package you can read any and every of the 7 volumes for free:


Four self-published books this year, two planned for 2024 so far and the seven volumes of film reviews above, if you are able, here are three further ways and means of supporting me:


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