Severed Head Of A Donkey On The Fence Of Bab Al-Rahma Cemetery In Occupied Al-Quds

1 year ago

A disgusting and sadistic Jewish settler has hung the severed head of a donkey on the fence of Bab al-Rahma Cemetery in occupied Al-Quds.

Make no mistake, this was not an act of ZIONIST violence. This was JUDAIC, through and through. Judaic as Judaic can get, really.

The supremacist devil has another thing coming though. Because Palestinians will resist THIS like they've resisted everything else that his demented tribe has attempted to impose. And if he doesn't think that's the case... He should check his communal media. His coreligionists are dropping like flies in Gaza. Almost as if said flies... were getting SWATTED... by "donkeys"!

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