Human-Alien Sexuality with Marina Seren

8 months ago

00:00 Intro
01:01 ET sex encounters
07:03 Where are you from?
07:49 Secret space program
09:23 Is there a way to capture your experiences?
11:23 Hybrid Children
15:06 Maria Oric
20:11 VRIL
22:03 Agartha the earth's inner world
23:38 best method to uncover your experiences

“She’s not just another pretty face”. Marina Seren is a 21-year-old experiencer from Madrid, Spain. Marina is a psychic medium, an extrasensory-seer, a conscious channeler of her Higher Mind, an intuitive artist and an ET contactee.

Marina has a bright and quick mind and she connects many dots!
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See the rest of Marina Seren's videos with us on the playlist

Marina’s story
In the year 2015, when I was 15 years old, the wake-up call encoded in my DNA activated and I started my path of spiritual awakening and the recovery of my memories. I started to receive intense downloads on the structure of consciousness and existence and information about what is really going on on Earth, what is the real history of mankind, and what is my mission here.
At that time I observed my Starseed/hybrid nature as well as the indigo/crystal energy of my aura. I started to experience strongly the awakening of my psychic abilities and ancient knowledge, activated DNA codes placed by other beings, remembered my hybrid genetic implants and my role in the First Contact event. I was starting to be visited by ET/ED entities, guides, counterparts, and star families. I would meet them in the dream time, I would travel to their planet, I would recall some of my ET and Earth past lives, I would be taught in spacecraft schools about psychic abilities and metaphysics, as well as spiritual guidance. I would also start to experience consciously my contribution to the Hybrid Programs, after an intense sexual encounter with my Pleiadian counterpart and after meeting my alien-hybrid children on ships. I have currently left the grey hybrid programs and I'm only working now with the ones created by humanoid ETs, which are not agenda-based, contrary to the others.

I am currently working on many projects, many educational in nature, in which I teach about my spiritual wisdom and metaphysical knowledge, my ET downloads, my information about the preparation for the future First Contact, and my Higher Mind's guidance that I bring through my conscious channeling abilities. Another of my goals is to be of help in the agenda of Disclosure, sharing both about my ET encounters/abductions, and my experiences with the military and other negative ET and human groups.

On the other hand, I also dedicate myself to the field of arts, especially graphic arts and music, which of course includes channeled energies from the higher dimensions that I perceive.

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