Thomism, Philosophy, and Apologetics with Dr. Nathan Greeley

1 year ago

Our guest this week is Dr. Nathan Greeley! Dr. Greeley is a devoted husband, educator at a Christian classical school, an adjunct instructor in philosophy at Indiana Wesleyan University, and a Fellow of Apologetics and Philosophical Theology at Just and Sinner. Dr. Greeley holds both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion and Theology, which he earned from Claremont Graduate University. His research is centered on the captivating history of natural theology and the intriguing interplay between philosophy and theology. We're in for a thought-provoking and insightful discussion with him this week.

These are affiliated links 😜
📚 Aquinas (A Beginner's Guide)
📚 Compendium of Theology
📚 Life Together

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