His name is Xi Jin Ping (习 金平) He is behind a plot to destroy the USA

1 year ago

The plans, the perpetrators, the pesty pirates of the open seas and the unpleasant people in Peking are the persons behind this plot. Not to be clever, but when the "good" media outlets talk about "They" or "The Marxist in America" or "The Left" or the " The Democrats" they fail to see that although all these groups are present in America, they are just front people and proxies who, for money, are complicit with "Those at the Top" and there always has to be ONE person who is calling all the major shots and making decisions about how the money is to be spent to work toward the "Dictators" goal of destroying America.
His name is Xi Jin Ping (习 金平) and he has immense influence with the plan, people and power of trillions of dollars. YES, this is what is happening in real time now. God help us to EXPOSE it, put it down and arrest the traitors and get this country back to what God intended it to be. A Bible based, Christian heritage Constitutional Republic. 1/3/24 Naples, Florida www.mefoundation.world

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