3 Military Veterans Running for Congress; Air Force, Marine Corps, & Navy!

1 year ago

3 Military Veterans Running for Congress; Air Force, Marine Corps, & Navy!

JR Majewski - Air Force
David Serpa - Marine Corps
Burt Thakur - Navy

Ben Bergquam with America’s Voice News & The War Room interviews JR Majewski - Air Force Veteran, David Serpa - Marine Corps Veteran, and Burt Thakur - Navy Veteran about their runs for Congress.

JR Majewski is running against Marcy Kaptur, who’s been in Congress since 1983. Over 40 years in Congress!

In the last election cycle the opposition lied about JR’s Military Service, accused him of Stolen Valor, stole his Military records, forged his signature, and used his Social Security Number.

David Serpa is dealing with California where Veterans can’t use the word “Veteran” to describe themselves on the ballot.

California’s Secretary of State’s office told David Serpa he can’t use the word “Marine” as one of his Ballot Designations, despite the Marine Corps policy of “Once a Marine, always a Marine.”

They continue to play stupid games with veterans, they’re going to find out. We know how to play stupid games. We know if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

The swamp creatures don’t like it when you drain their swamp. There’s a lot of thrashing about, but they reveal themselves eventually.

Let’s drain the whole damn swamp, pave it over, and build a country which puts American people first.

#Veterans #Congress #DraintheSwamp #Revolution #Military #USMC #Marines #Navy #AirForce #TheWarRoom #WarRoomPosse #AmericaFirst #MAGA #SecretaryofState #California #Republican #CAGOP #GOP #StupidGames #fyp #foryou #foryoupage

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