1st Offer made in 2017 to pay 1000€ for reproducible evidence of curvature on Facebook

8 months ago

In 2017 I started informing my friends that I was skeptical about the globe model and space exploration. Sadly some of my friends started publicly slandering my integrity by calling my photograph evidence of buildings 20 miles away as photo-shopped. Then when I pressed back the same friends insulted my intelligence and questioned my sanity. So I made this offer thanks to them ignoring the option to go and look for themselves. Still to date I have not received an apology but rather been disowned. Even though I was not returning any slander, insults, nor ridicule.
*I do not hold a grudge, my door is always open to be friends again but I admit that I am old fashioned/stubborn and insist on an apology and I can agree to disagree on my conclusion.
...Hopefully time is a healer and the people that have turned their backs on me shall be able to see the misconceptions and my intentions!

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