Surely I will

9 months ago

For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself, saying, “Surely I will bless you and multiply you.” And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise.

Hebrews 6:13-15
In society today, there are a lot of unfulfilled promises. We’re let down by people we respect, look up to, and admire. That’s the issue. Man will often disappoint you because we’re not meant for that. That is God’s role. When God makes a promise in your life, you can trust it will come to pass. It may not always happen the way we expect or in the timeline we expect. We place expectations on ourselves and others.

We should have some level of expectations for people to fulfill their promises. But when things don’t go the way we expect, we tend to blame God. However, we can’t blame God for the decisions we get to freely make. Decisions, both good and bad, have consequences. That’s God’s law by design so our society does not spiral into the chaos we are witnessing today. We have to accept both outcomes. Being willing to accept this is not always easy. We want to fix everything on our own in our own way and timing. Trusting God is not always high on the priority list.

Not everything is meant to work out the way we expect. Some things are meant to change you. However, that’s not something we generally want. We place false expectations on our lives instead of asking God what we can do for him. At times we’re expecting things we were never meant for. Turning your care, your will and your life over to God isn’t easy. It takes time and discipline. These are things that we have to be intentional about just like other parts of our lives such as work or fitness. It has to be worked into our daily lives to reap the benefits that God has to offer. Trust is built over time and developed. We can build our trust in God by leaning on him in every aspect of our lives.

This week, let’s pray that God will teach us how to handle the expectations we set for ourselves and others and that He will teach us to lean on Him more each day.

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