This steel safe killed one of America's most famous men

1 year ago

Jack Daniels is known throughout the world as one of the greatest whiskey producers to have ever lived. His life is the stuff of legends, and and it is also filled with mystery and intrigue. His legacy was passed down to two of his nephews when he died in October of 1911 and they continued the tradition of making Jack Daniel's whiskey according to the original recipe and in the traditional methods.
Most people in North America, and in most countries around the world have sampled this whiskey, or have at least seen it served. But few people know the incredible story behind Jack's final years, ad his death in 1911.
The Jack Daniels distillery is set on a beautiful piece of property in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Jack arrived for work before anyone else on a morning in 1909, or 1910. There are conflicting stories about the date and poorly kept written records in that era have made it difficult to be precise. But Jack needed documents from his steel combination safe in his office. He struggled with the combination and could not open the safe. Frustrated, he kicked the safe and broke his big toe. Infection set in and Jack was forced to have his toe amputated. But the infection had spread and gangrene began to form in his foot. The foot was removed, followed by a leg amputation and it was eventually clear that Jack was losing the battle with gangrene. Beyond the full leg amputation, there was nothing that could be done. Blood poisoning set in and Jack knew he was dying.
Legend has it that Jack led the life of a ladies man, with love and romance at every turn, but he had never married or had children. With no heirs, Jack passed on his distillery and his fortune to two nephews who continued the business as Jack would have wanted.
Tours of the property are conducted, showing guests the operation and the method for producing this beloved whiskey. There are few secrets here, and guests can see the entire process. Grain is ground and fermented. Maple is charred precisely to create the charcoal pellets that are used for the filtration process. Storage buildings are open, and samples are provided. A knowledgeable tour guide explains the entire operation and shows guests the different steps.
The tour is a fascinating one, full of interesting sights, smells, and facts. The legend behind this distillery, and behind the man who created it is well worth the time. Jack Daniels died because he didn't have the right combination for the safe, but he sure had the right combination of ingredients to create a whiskey that lives on, more than 100 years after he was gone.

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