1 year ago


We are at that time where many changes are about to take place around the world.

Life as we know it is going to shift completely. For those who have gone down the path of truth over the last few years, you are going to have such important roles to play helping the world through the transition.

Try to imagine what it must take to snap the masses out of the sleepy state we find ourselves in. Think 911 x 17.

The world is so unconscious and it is going to take something like a scare event to get people to finally pay attention

Life has been a big lie in all areas and we are about to see the entire matrix system that has been fully functioning all around us. This may take a lifetime for some of us to truly comprehend how dark this world has been and it will take a collective effort from the people in the know

So what can we do to help and assist?

We will become messengers of truth. Helping guide people in the right directions allowing them to awaken to The God within them.

We have spent our whole life relying on others to provide us information. We have been taught to search outside of ourselves, when the simple truth is that the answers have always been within.

Join me today live on Youtube where we will go through some powerful teachings that we can use throughout our engagements with others to help them through this awakening

The new world is going to be magical and we all will look back knowing what we went through to get us to this moment in our story

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