1 year ago

The satellite pyramid, as suggested by some Egyptologists is located 55 meters south of the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur, Egypt.
The pyramid originally measured 26 meters in height and 52.80 meters in length, with faces inclining 44°30'. The structure is made of limestone blocks, relatively thick, arranged in horizontal rows and covered with a layer of fine limestone from Tura. The main chamber is accessible from a descending corridor with its entrance located 1.10 meters above the ground in the middle of the north face. The corridor, inclined at 34°, originally measured 11.60 meters in length.
A short horizontal passage connects the corridor with an ascending corridor, inclined at 32° 30', leading up to the chamber.

The design of the corridors is similar to the one found in the Great Pyramid of Giza, where the Grand Gallery takes up the place of the ascending corridor. The corridor leads up to the main chamber (it most probably never contained any sarcophagus). The chamber, located in the center of the pyramid, has a corbel vault ceiling and contains a four meters deep shaft, probably dug by treasure hunters, in the southeast part of the chamber.

We noticed this black goo like substance that seems to be squeezing out of the lime stone inside the pyramid. According to mainstream Egyptologists, these stains are coming from the bats that live inside the Pyramid. According to our research, this hypothesis can be dismissed because of several reasons.
The same black stains can be found also inside the Red Pyramid, the Bent Pyramid and the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was also reported that the strange oval shaped coffer which has been found at the bottom of the great pit of Zawyet el Aryan had also this Black Goo on the inner walls of the coffer.

A group of researchers from the ISIDA-Project have taken samples of the black substance from the Red Pyramid and they provided us with their laboratory analysis.
The Analysis revealed that the Black Goo contains many common and exotic metals which is a big question mark.

Is it possible that the pyramids were some giant chemical reaction chambers to produce energy as suggested by Chris Dunn in his book the Giza Power Plant?

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of the chemical composition of the black substance please check out this channel:

Website of the ISIDA-Project:

Website of Chris Dunn, the author of The Giza Power Plant:



#spiritinstone #blackgoo #pyramid #ancienttechnology #egypt #dahshur #pyramidpower #losttechnology

00:00 Introduction
00:49 Entering the Satellite Pyramid
02:41 What is This Black Goo?
04:12 Chemical Analysis

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