Judgement Day, Year 1 | SmackDown! 2 Season Mode Simulation (PS1)

1 year ago

WWF SmackDown! 2 for the PS1 might be one of the best wrestling games ever developed and it came at a time when the WWF itself was the hottest it ever was. Despite being released less than 12 months after the first SmackDown game, this game is head and shoulders above its prequel!

One of the things that sets it apart was the Season Mode. In this series, we will through the world of the WWF in 2000 and beyond as simulated by WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role!

We have arrived at our latest Pay-Per-View offering this year, we have arrived at Judgement Day! It is an absolutely stacked card, with a massive Iron Man Main Event, three title matches, a clash between two of the best tag-teams in the company and rumours of a shocking, potentially Heartbreaking, return!

Match Card:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:53 Hardcore Match: T&A vs. APA
00:06:44 Woman's Title: Lita (c) vs. Jacqueline
00:13:25 HUGE Main Event Announcement
00:14:25 Light Heavyweight Title: Dean Malenko (c) vs. Scotty Too Hotty
00:22:22 Casket Match for the Intercontinental Title: X-Pac (c) vs. Eddie Guerrero
00:35:06 Handicap Match: Al Snow vs. Right to Censor (Steven Richards & The Goodfather)
00:41:00 Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz
00:49:51 Triple Threat: The Undertaker vs. Mankind vs. Kane
00:56:30 Iron Man Match: The Rock vs. Triple H
01:13:46 Shawn Michaels and The Rock Post-Match

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