124. Foraging for Mushrooms - Dr. Trent Austin

1 year ago

Dr. Trent Austin- trentaustin61@gmail.com Medicinal Mushrooms and How to Use Them

19:59:57 From Doris : please give me the formula for Dr. Brownstein.
20:00:41 From wetrng : On the Brownstein protocol what is dosage of Zinc?
20:01:43 From Doris To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Please list the formula for Dr. Brownstein for us all.
20:07:38 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. Tom – Whose sexy legs were stretched out underneath the halogen lights?!? Did Dr. Brownstein’s protocol give you those legs??
20:11:04 From Lolita Smith : What types of mushrooms are OK to consume if you have leaky gut &/or candida?
20:16:03 From Lolita Smith : Red Reishi in a dried form, that been sitting on the shelf for several years, do you think the medicinal is greatly reduces? It started off fresh, but has dried.
20:16:30 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Dr. Stark, when it comes to my legs, I’m quite a vain. So I have some other pictures available at a price!.
20:16:36 From mira : Reacted to "Dr. Tom – Whose s..." with 😅
20:16:51 From Wendie Wachtel : How do you recommend consuming mushrooms? raw? cooked? as supplement?
20:17:12 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Dr. Stark, when it c..."

LOL!!! Furthermore, you don’t even have bunions!!
20:17:20 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Brownstein: I will put a blog up on it but my MDs don’t want to really provide the whole protocol without caveats……
20:17:45 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Zinc is taken at 30 - 50 mCg - micrograms, not milligrams.
20:20:34 From mira : Replying to "How do you recomme..."

i believe ur supposed to cook all mushrooms
20:29:55 From Doris : Does Dr. Austin have a book of thses colorful mushrooms and the benefits?
20:30:09 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Reacted to "Does Dr. Austin have..." with 👍
20:33:28 From mira : Reacted to "Does Dr. Austin ha..." with 👍
20:34:09 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPVFQs3QiVJVkc9vSxVRGl8_rJhVqR_7V6vDZcL
20:35:24 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN_s1dqUe-69CdO_KZIDZIPebSGaZuB0yXDMtULhttps://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN_s1dqUe-69CdO_KZIDZIPebSGaZuB0yXDMtUL
20:37:57 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Learn your land
20:38:57 From virginiamiller : What mushrooms help with neuropathy and AMD?
20:42:31 From virginiamiller : AMD is Age Related Macular Degeneration
20:42:55 From Doris : mushrooms 3 weeks in frig! Oh NO!!!!!!
20:43:42 From virginiamiller : What about Florida for telehealth?
20:44:00 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Oh dear! Google gives me a “404. That’s an error.” And I was looking forward to seeing your bicycle legs!!
20:44:52 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : I’m being a bit presumptuous. Not sure why the links don’t work. Another time.

They are nasty…. Lol
20:45:48 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Is there a good mushroom complex supplement people should take?
20:45:54 From Evelyn’s iPhone : Is there a mushroom that helps with bone density (osteoporosis) ?
20:47:05 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Yes, another time! “Nasty” works! LOL!
20:47:14 From Dr. Tom Lewis : myco active from orthomolecular
20:48:56 From mira : Post covid syndrome very similar to lyme
20:49:53 From Winthrop Harewood : virginiamiller 9:43 PM
What about Florida for telehealth?

Donna Champagne OKeefe to Everyone 9:45 PM
Is there a good mushroom complex supplement people should take?

Evelyn’s iPhone to Everyone 9:45 PM
Is there a mushroom that helps with bone density (osteoporosis) ?

Dr. Tom Lewis 9:47 PM
myco active from orthomolecular
20:50:30 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : Try this
20:50:57 From Martha Stark, MD : For example, a terrible thing like PANS/PANDAS (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome that occurs following infection with Group A Strep) takes up residence in the brain and wreaks havoc!! So, yes, “neuropsychiatric” syndromes are very real – as a result of “infections” with “microbes”!! …horrifying…
20:51:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Agreed - infections and brain diseases.
20:53:04 From Dr. Tom Lewis : A paper I wrote on alzheimer’s and general brain health

20:53:18 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Replying to "Try this

Wow!! Oh my God!! “Nasty” indeed!!! Very nice!!
20:53:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : Too much fanaticism.
20:57:33 From jdwod : Can you repeat how to treat C. Diff?
21:02:33 From Shoshanna : Saccharomyces Boulardii
21:03:06 From Martha Stark, MD : …and Dr. Lee Cowden?
21:04:03 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Thank you!
21:04:03 From Winthrop Harewood : Thank you very much. Dr Austin.
21:04:15 From Shoshanna : Thank you
21:04:16 From Lolita Smith : thank you.

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