White Christian Genocide

8 months ago

It is a fact that all three main religions are controlled by the same Kabbalah / cabal. The Jesuits and their secret societies controlling the destruction of Christianity and all things God and Jesus...this is why the Pope belongs to the red shoe club, and why he kisses the feet of the Khazarian Mafia...yes I have a video of that. This is why the white Pope (there is also a Grey Pope and a Black Pope; the black pope is Pepe Orsini, the most powerful man in the world. The white pope sits in a chair in front of a monstrosity and between the fangs of a viper in the Paul VI Audience Hall, feel free to search for images of that building and you will see it's modelled inside and out on a viper. No shock that two vipers are found on the W.H.O logo. The symbology is everywhere. The Jewish religion is controlled by the Khazarians, they are FALSE jews who for years have indoctrinated the Hebrew Jews to adopt the zionist political babylonian ideology which is based on the Talmud from the teachings of the Pharisees. Then we have Islam, Mecca having the satanic black cube called the "Kabba" (Cabal > Kaballah >Kabba allah> ba'al). This is why many ISIS fighters were found to have jewish identities (khazar false jews). Hamas funded by zionists. Do you really think the tunnels beneath gaza were for Hamas to smuggle rockets?, it appears those tunnels go into Israel....think child trafficking. Hamas leaders are rich men, they do not live in Gaza. Many of the rockets fired by Hamas are nothing more than smoke grenades, but the IDF usher the brainwashed Israelis into bunkers as the "Iron Dome" defence system, which is nothing more than a fireworks display claims to have shot down every single Hamas rocket. I wonder how much money (US Dollars) goes into that fake defence system? As Lenin said, if you want to control the outcome of a war , control both sides. The media are also part of the shadow government & deep-state, feeding fear, whilst their big pharma pump you full of toxins whilst eager to diagnose you with another made-up disease that they can profit from and spread more fear. Cholesterol is cause by a deficiency of Myelin, a coating on the brain much like insulation on an electrical wire. Myelin is 100% cholesterol...now you know why the cabal's WHO and FDA etc push the false narrative that we must stop eating meat and eat food low in cholesterol....is it any wonder alzheimers is on the rise.

As for White Christian Genocide, do not think for one second all you black folk out there that things are looking rosy for you....remember Black Africa was targeted by HIV, another patented product made at Fort Detrick, added to Hepititise B "vaccines" given to the gay population in major US cities after first using orphaned children on State Island (a video on my channel explains this). For Africa they added HIV to the Smallpox "vaccine" and they did the same in Brazil. So all you black folk out there, you'll be next. Oh and all that "Slavery" talk is garbage, the slave owners were khazarians (FALSE jews) in their various forms Ashkenazi "Jews" and Sephardic :Jews". The truth is since 1933 and the start of the Birth Certificates we are ALL "Bonded Slaves" as our Birth Certificates are all on the stock exchange making money for the cabal, or more accurately ...the Vatican!

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