Let's Play - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Azure Moon, Maddening) part 2

1 year ago

0:00 - White Clouds: Familiar Scenery
1:28 - Pre-exploration cutscenes
4:29 - Pre-exploration
7:37 - Exploration
1:09:16 - Instructing my class
1:19:16 - Auxiliary battle
1:44:22 - Saint Macuil Day
1:45:54 - Seminar
1:48:16 - Pre-battle cutscene
1:53:53 - Preparations
1:58:11 - Battle
2:43:11 - Treasure chest (large bullion)
3:06:42 - Byleth vs Kostas battle conversation
3:07:07 - Victory
3:07:30 - Post-battle cutscenes

Chapter 2: Red Canyon Dominance

There's new places to explore at the monastery, including the Abyss where I recruit the Ashen Wolves. I hear they're good and I've seen the spells list of the girls, so I'm going to need them for this playthrough. Then I show off my lecture to the class, the auxiliary battle, and the seminar. Lastly, we take on our first mission, which is tough in this maddening mode, but at least not as impossible as it was fighting Edelgard without the speed-boosting item. Also, the Knights of Seiros didn't show up like the game said they would. Liars! As for the beginning of the cutscene after the victory, you didn't miss anything important; it was just Byleth walking as the darkness of the loading screen fades that's cut.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a game exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.

Check me out on these sites:
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/RedDragonette
For my older playthroughs - https://rumble.com/c/c-1046941
Odysee - https://odysee.com/@RedDragonette:1

Also, check out my artworks and fanfics here: https://buzzly.art/~Red%20Dragonette and https://www.weasyl.com/~reddragonette

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, video game, videogame, playthrough, walkthrough, strategy RPG, Switch, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, Fire Emblem, Byleth, Sothis, Prince Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Dedue Molinaro, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ashe Ubert, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Mercedes von Martritz, Annette Fantine Dominic, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Princess Edelgard von Hresvelg, Hubert von Vestra, Ferdinand von Aegir, Linhardt von Hevring, Caspar von Bergliez, Dorothea Arnault, Petra Macneary, Bernadetta von Varley, Prince Claude von Riegan, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, Raphael Kirsten, Ignatz Victor, Lysithea von Ordelia, Marianne von Edmund, Hilda Valentine Goneril, Leonie Pinelli, Yuri Leclerc, Constance von Nuvelle, Hapi, Balthus von Albrecht, Jeralt Eisner, Archbishop Lady Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, Cyril, Hanneman von Essar, Manuela Casagranda, Alois Rangeld, Jeritza von Hrym, Shamir, Tomas, Kostas, cooking, feeding cats for ores, hymn recital, Red Canyon, part two,

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