Ascension, Universal Self, Disclosure, Nesara, Solar Flare, Dimesnions 01-03-24

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During this channel, first Crystallia spoke about Ascension and what it means to us, and Albayon spoke about disclosure, nesara, and solar flares. Then Brysensia spoke of other worlds, dimensions, and how we will be able to see more than we have.

One of the changes for 2024 is that there is now a list of questions send in by listeners.
This is so you can check if your question has already been asked or if you have something entirely different you want too ask.

Questions for Albayon

2024 - The year of mass awakening, Ascension of the Galaxy and Central Sun

34:45- Could the effects of the solar flares on mental and physical health be explained please?

38:31- What percentage of the children have been rescued

41:10- Do you see the current financial system switching over to the quantum financial system easily, with the scare of collapse and losing our money being short lived? Will money in the banks, as well as stocks and cryptos be safe and not lost?

46:31-  About the jabs people are still getting. Are they still safe? I know several people who have gotten very, very sick after getting the additional jabs this fall - a few days to tens after getting the jab. These people did not have the same kind of intense, intense reaction.

49:05- Good evening Albayon, as long as the mainstream media is telling lies and propaganda, I do not see the unaware people waking up as they still believe everything what they are told. Do you see any change in that with the help of the white hats? How is this going to stop? We need the truth to be told, how can we help in this? If we tell the truth, we are not taken seriously.

51:31-  Since December last year and beyond we've been hearing about financial disclosure and jubilee timeframe dates from you and other off worlders which have never came to be

52:06- Will the price of silver go up significantly?

Questions for Brysentia

Ups and downs of the Ascension, Crystal Cities, Ice Wall.

1:06:15- I've learned that the negative beings have capability to appear before humans as beings made of light, shining light. But this light is artificial. They had supposedly learned how to manipulate and create such appearance. Can you share your knowledge about it and what should we pay attention to if there is a light being in front of us.

1:11:02- When I hear about mating between humans and annunakis or nephelims or fallen angels, I cannot understand how it was possible. Were not the latter huge in size? Also Zakaraia Sitchin writes in his books how Enki mated with humans and his sister liked human men. Were not they too huge for such mating?

1:14:30- Brysentia, do you have any idea how long our ascension symptoms and thus physical ailments will continue? Is that the rest of our lives? I cannot make plans anymore as these physical issues are messing up my plans

1:18:25- What is the PURPOSE of all the crazy weather manipulation around the World at the moment- particularly down the East Coast of Australia with the Wild Storms & flooding?

1:20:00- Do you see robots taking over workforce and how will this affect us?

1:21:10- Will and "is" the Solar Flare be the ONLY WAY to completely remove all troublemaking demonic entities from bothering/interfering with humanity?

1:22:00- When is Nesara Gesara coming?

1:22:33- Are the massive amount of ships placed everywhere on call to do emergency evacuations from Earth? 

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