Daren "no offense, are you a rookie?" MELTDOWN

1 year ago

I went out for a walk on January 1st. Ended up strolling up on this call, which was to help someone retrieve their property. As soon as I got their karen, they started telling on us for legal things and trying to have us trespassed from the road? The cops did ok and what they were supposed to. The kid ended up getting his property, and as they were leaving of course one of the officers had to ruin it. I said thanks, and the Cornwall walked right past me like I said nothing. I so let em know what I thought of him. It's sad that even when they are on track for looking decent, they have to mess it up. That's not how you treat or interact with the public to the 2 that were decent good job, to the loser who wasn't do better. this is for news and educational purposes amd to show how our public servants act.


Norwich Police Department
70 Thames St, Norwich, CT 06360
+1 860-886-5561

Their FB

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