The Spiritually "Stunted" Woman

1 year ago

In this video I talk about HOW a woman becomes spiritually stunted , in which the main way this happens is through external validation.
For many women, they have not been taught what The Feminine Essence is, and in spiritual communities she has been made into an odd costume that alot of women in todays modern world do not resonant with.

When a woman gives her essence away to external validation and to physical attributes she becomes vapid, empty and uninspiring. She sees people as accessories to her hidden agenda, painting others in a light that suits her - she may forgo creating and connecting to the masculine in favour of online fame, attention and "glamour".

Despite what many modern women believe- a lot of men seek out deep heart felt connections and deeply crave them- men do not want "dolls" as partners- they want to connect to honest, authentic WOMANLY energy- that brings them passion, inspiration, creativity , flow, innocence!

However men too have a lot of fear and distrust of women- are women going to use me for only physical things? are they going to be kind with my heart and emotions? It takes a little while for a man to feel that he can emotionally trust a woman.

If a woman is not in tune with her inner realms instead only on the external realms - then she does not have alot to offer a man when it comes to connecting to the heart!

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Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.

Music by Pumpupthemind from Pixabay


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

#masculine #feminine #love

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