Unlocking Financial Opportunities_ Overcoming Challenges for Property Investment

1 year ago

It's in horrible condition There's no income There's expenses all over the place You get excited right A lot of people get hung up here because they don't have a financial statement any way to go to a banker let's say But sometimes a banker will look at the property itself So they'll say this has a bad NOI on it Why would we give you money You know what I mean And then so that's when the financial education comes in and you say well this is what I plan to do with it Correct What Kenny is saying we've had I'm keeping the numbers simple He's had income of zero Yeah And this is a thousand Yeah So you'd have a negative NOI And the banker goes tell me why I can't lend on that right Because it's a higher risk of being able to be paid back The NOI or the net operating income determines the value

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