Freemasonry is an Anti-Christ Religion - Explained by Brother Michael Dimond

1 year ago

Freemasonry Explained by Brother Michael Dimond - After watching and reading this, you will have no doubts that Freemasonry is 100% Against Jesus.

We are in a spiritual war, the battle is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers of wickedness in high places. We have to realize that the number one enemy is Freemasonry.

Freemasonry claims that its objective is to “make good men, better men.” They accept only men of “high character” and they seek to improve the community.

What they fail to telll is that Masonry has another purpose that is completely unknown to the public and many masons themselves. Manly P. Hall said: “freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect.” Masonry deals with blood oaths, these oaths must remain secret.

A fraternity within a fraternity means there is an inner circle, or another very secret group within, and very few are aware of this and very few are aware of the secret.

A mason begins with the Blue Lodge, entering as an Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. If they wish, they can stop at this level and call himself “Master Mason of the Blue Lodge.”

OR, he can continue. After the Blue Lodge there is a choice. They can chose to go up the York Rite Ladder or the Scottish Rite Ranks.

York Rites has 10 degrees and upon completion he can call himself a Knights Templar.

The Scottish Rites ladder is 30 degrees.

The Book “Duncans Ritual of Freemasonry” gives what happens during the first 3 degrees. You can download your free PDF copy here --

1st Degree Question: What do you Desire? Answer: LIGHT
2nd Degree Question: What do you Desire? Answer: MORE LIGHT
3rd Degree Question: What do you Desire? FURTHER LIGHT

Albert Pike, probably the most famous freemason of all time – was the head of Washington DC Masonry, head of America Masonry and the head of World Masonry.

Albert Pike wrote the book “Morals and Dogma” – free PDF here --

This book is used in all Scottish Rite initiations to explain the crafts of philosophy. This book is given to every 4th degree mason. The book is called the “Bible of Freemasonry.”

In this book it says: The supreme being is a center of light -- “the Supreme Being was the Primitive Light, or the Archetype of Light, Source whence the rays emanate that illuminate Souls. He was also the Soul of the Universe, and as such acted in all its parts. He Himself fills and limits His whole Being. His Powers and Virtues fill and penetrate all.”

Who is this Primitive Light? “Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls?” “Doubt it not!”
So, it Pike is saying there is NO DOUBT that Lucifer is the one who bears the light.

*Note: for those who downloaded this pdf book, to search for words like “Lucifer” hit the CTRL and F key at the same time and a search bar will come up and just type in key words you want to find. That is how I do a lot of research on pdf’s.

II Corinthians 11:14 – “Even Satan disguises himself as an Angel of Light.”

Other Versions of II Corinthians 11:14 say: “for Satan himself transformeth himself into an Angel of Light.”

David Spangler, a new age mason, and spiritual philosopher says “The Light comes from Lucifer; he is the Light Bearer.”

Is Freemasonry a Religion?


Albert Pikes book “Morals and Dogma” says: “Every Masonic Lodge is a Temple of Religion and its teachings are instruction in Religion.”

The idiots involved in the blue lodges will say, it doesn’t mean that. Bullshit. Yes, it does.

On July 14, 1889, Albert Pike issued formal written instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World: “To you Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this that you may repeat it to the brethren of 32nd, 31st and 30th Degree. The Masonic Religion, should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. Yes, Lucifer is God and the true and pure Religion is the belief in Lucifer.”

*Remember what Trump said about Albert Pike? -- Trump wants the Albert Pike statue restored.

Albert Pike literally stands for the Devil and Trump wants his statue restored. Hmm. Oh, but he doesn’t know Albert Pike is a Luciferian? OMG, if you think that he doesn’t know this you are smoking some good crack. Trump is 100% a Freemason. 100%. He has been caught giving the “secret” handshakes, time and time again, along with the upside down inverted Pyramid. Just saying for those hope buyers of Trump, you are following a very bad man. I used to be a HUGE supporter of this guy and shame on me for blindly believing what I saw on the alt tv channels and not doing my own research.

Here is a video on Albert Pike – the 33rd Degree Mason --

The book “The Lost Keys of Masonry” by Manly P. Hall – he says: “When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething, surging energies of Lucifer are in his hands.” You can download a free PDF copy for yourself here:

The phrase “From Darkness to Light” is a MASONIC saying. Meaning the discovering of the secret that Lucifer is God.

They are Anti-Christ!

If a Worshipful Master allows prayer to be made in Jesus’ name, his Lodge can be closed and its charter revoked by the Grand Lodge of the State.

Masonry and Witchcraft Parallels:

In a Blue Lodge Masonry you have to be recommended by someone else in masonry.

In Witchcraft you have to be screened and recommended by someone currently in Witchcraft.

In Masonry you are blindfolded and bound by rope.

In Witchcraft you are blind olded, bound by rope and led to the edge of the magic circle.

In Masonry, a sharp object is put to your breast, you take a blood oath not to reveal any of the secrets of the Lodge.

In Witchcraft, a sword is put to your left breast and you take a blood oath not to reveal any of the secrets of witchcraft.

In Masonry, the blindfold it taken off the candidate and they tell that you were in darkness and you are coming to light.

In Witchcraft, during the ritual, the candidate is challenged by someone at the edge of the magic circle who says: “Who goes there?” The Answer is: “One from the World of Darkness.”

In Blue Lodge Masonry – the masons end their prayer with “So Mote it be.”

In Witchcraft they end their prayers with “So Mote it be.”

In the York Rite of Freemasonry they claim to be only Christians can join the York Rite.

The Holy Royal Arch Degree. According to Jim Flanagan – In the opening and closing of every chapter of a meeting, the High Priest asks another Royal Arch Mason the question: “Are you a Royal Arch Mason?” Answer: “I AM that I AM.” This refers to when Moses was approached by God and God identified himself as “I AM.” God said that this is my name forever. Jesus said in John 8:58 – “Amen, Amen, I say to you before Abraham was made, I Am.”

In masonry, they say the name of God has been lost. In the latter degrees of the Royal Arch, they say that the name is now found. They form an Arch with their arms and they say that Gods name is Jebulah, also referred to as Jebulum. This is when the Pagan Gods bail on Osiris. According to the Royal Arch Bishops they call this the Grand Nom Magnifique.

Scottish Rite: -- You can get a free pdf copy of “Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated” here --

To read about the 17th Degree initiation go to page 445.

The Sign or Sacred Word is Abaddon (looking at right shoulder) and the Password is Jebulum (looking at left shoulder).

What is significant is the word Abaddon. In the Bible in Revelations 9:11 – “A King, the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon.” Even spelled the same.

So the SACRED Word is referring to the King of the bottomless pit – which is referring to a DEMON.

When you say the name of a demon you invoke the demon. Read the book Demonology, another “Freemason” book.

In the 19th Degree initiation another anoints the forehead with oil and says “Be thou a Priest Forever, after the Order of Melchisedech.”

In the 20th Degree they say: “No man has the right to dictate another in matters of faith or belief, no one can say they have the possession of the truth.”

In the 28th Degree: The Knight of the Brazen Serpent. You download a book about this here --,%20Tyler,%20Taming%20the%20Serpent.pdf Also in the book mentioned above Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated. There is a picture of a snake biting its tail and it actually is a Demon. It says: “that which is above, is as that as below.” What does this mean? God – Devil – share similar characteristics? A relationship between the two? A mirroring?

In the 30th Degree: It is called the “Knights Kadosh.” You can download a short 10 page packet on this here -- The Grand Master rises and says “Imitate me” He then stabs a skull – representing Pope Clement V and says “Down with Imposture! Down with Crime! And then he stabs a skull with a Regal Crown representing King Phillip of France saying “Down with Tyranny, Down with Crime” Then they kneel before a skull that is supposed to represent Jacques de Molay (A grand master and one of the best known Templars) and they say “Every lasting glory to the immemorial martyr of virtue.” This represents hatred for the true Catholic Church and the Monarchies.

In the 32nd Degree: Order ab Chao – meaning Order out of Chaos.

On the 33rd Degree Masonic Jewel – picture of this here and you can also download a free pdf copy by doing a Google search for “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, In Thirty-Three Degrees” I could not share this as it automatically downloads.

The House of the Temple in Washington D.C. is where the freemasons receive their 33rd degree. D.C. is not a state or part of the America, it is the locations for freemasons as the entire city is filled with symbolism.

When you are a 32nd Degree Mason, you CAN’T SEEK to be a 33rd Degree. You HAVE to be Chosen.

The inside of the House of the Temple in Washington D.C. has pictures of Serpents all over on the inside. Just like Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. Vatican was taken over long ago by freemasons.

Picture of Paul VI Audience Hall --

There are concealed Swastika’s in the House of the Temple in D.C. also. Yes, as you can see, freemasons are all about Jesus Christ and Christianity.

The old churches used to ban masons. Oh, how things have changed. They have infiltrated everything and are in COMPLETE control now.

Connect the dots between Chabadism, Satanism, the Illuminati, Paganism, and Freemasonry.

The entire city of Washington D.C. was designed to form a Pentagram.

From the book Occult Theocrasy by Edith Miller in 1933 --
" Neither law, property nor religion can be imposed on man and as they annihilate him by depriving him of his most precious rights they are assassins on whom we have sworn to wreak vengeance, enemies against whom we have declared war to the death and without quarter.”

" Of these three infamous enemies it is on religion that we must concentrate our most deadly attacks, because no people has ever survived its religion. Once Religion is dead, Law and Property will fall to our mercy, and we shall be able to regenerate society by founding on the corpses of the assassins of man, Masonic Religion, Masonic Law, and Masonic Property ".

Occult Theocrasy – you get a free PDF copy here →

Congressional record from September 9, 1987, no less than 60 member of the House of Representatives are Masons. 75 Congressman were masons.

33rd Degree Masons:
Senator Alan Simpson – Rep – Wyoming
Senator Robert Byrd – Dem – West Virginia
Senator Strom Thurmond – Rep – South Carolina
Senator Chuck Grassly – Rep – Iowa – the one I was somewhat surprised about
Senator Specter – Rep – Pennsylvania
*Senator Robert Byrd – Dem – West Virginia -- *He was a violent rapist – check out Cathy O’Brien testimonies as Robert Byrd was her handler and she mentions other politicians who were into rape, murder and torture – like Bush, Cheney and Clinton.

Cathy O’Brien Videos:
The Cathy O'Brien Story - MK-ULTRA Mind Control - CIA Secret Operations and Programs
***Cathy O'brien – “I Heard George Bush Talk About Mass-Genocide At The U.N.Derground At Bohemian Grove
FIELD McCONNEL – My Sister and Hillary Clinton ran the Largest Pedophilia Child Tracking Ring

ALL 33rd Degree Masons know that Lucifer is their God and they ALL are Anti-Christian. About 9.5 out of 10 masons do not know this and will never know this. That is why it is a fraternity within a fraternity.

Barry Goldwater was a 33rd and Jesse Jackson is a 33rd. Total NWO pawn, puppets.
The book “Satanic Bible” by Anton Szandor LaVey – can get a free pdf copy here →
The Pentagram is an important symbol in Freemasonry. There is a difference between a star and a pentagram.
In the book called “The History of Freemasonry” – This star represents Good, when the star is pointed upward – meaning one point of the star is straight up. BUT – when turned with one point down it represents Evil.
The Masons Bible has the one point DOWN. Hello.

Eastern Star celebrates the lives of five Biblical women, Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, and Electa. Each woman exemplifies one of the tenets of the Order--- Fidelity, Constancy, Loyalty, Faith and Love.

The Order of the Eastern Star – a division of the Freemasons where women are allowed to be members, founded in 1850 by Robert Morris.

The Pentagram is the biggest symbol in Satanism and guess what, it is probably one of the most popular in Freemasonry.

So you have the Pentagram, the star with the Point – pointing down, used in Witchcraft, Satanism and Freemasonry.

What did this star represent? EVIL.

Does Christianity use this Star? NO.

What does Christianity represent? GOD or GOOD.

Freemasonry has NOTHING to do with Christianity. So if you know members of the Blue Lodge who are freemasons, either they haven’t done their research and are just ignorant that they are being used or they are willing participants of the dark.

As mentioned, at least 95% have NO freaking clue what kind of secret club they are in. They NEVER tell the whole of it during initiation, it is something that you learn on and on as in the freemason world you gain more “light.”

That light is from LUCIFER. Lucifer is the Light Bearer. You can’t even mention the word Jesus in a mason lounge and definitely not the Temple. Just the word has great power and love to it. They are not a group of love but a group that desires wealth, control and power.

What kind of Star does the New World Order idiots use? The SAME star.

The esoteric gnostic or knowledge comes from Demons in freemasonry. The dark side has knowledge to make people very successful on the Earthly plane. But, what’s the price?

It is nothing less than making a deal with the devil but in most cases those have NO clue that they are allowing demonic spirits to enter them. They can even go to church for decades and never know this, but one place you do not express your belief that Jesus is Christ, is in a Masonic Temple.

Job’s Daughters is another masonic organization for the Youth – girls aged 10 to 20.

*Masons say they welcome all religions. Of course they do. That is step one on digging their claws into you and monitoring you or screening you as you work your way up the latter to eventually see if you are the optimal candidate for the joining the real club.

Masonry is nothing more than slow brainwashing the Christ out of you. It is deprogramming and programming all into one.

The Shriners are “Special” group of Masons made up of 32nd and 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Masons and 13th degree Knights Templar York masons.

Shriner’s claim to be a charity. Only 1/3rd of the funds goes to charity.

The Shriner’s are those morons you see driving in parades in the little cars. They wear red hats – the red hat is called a Fez, named after Fez, Morocco named after the Arabian theme the fraternity was founded on.

In the year 800 AD, 50,000 Catholics were slaughtered by Moslem’s in Fez, Morocco. They say that the blood ran so thick that the Moslem’s dipped their hats in blood and their hats turned red.

So their hats represent the MURDER of Christians.

The hats are their trophies.

The Fez is a 1,200 year sign of their victory over Christians.

During initiation of the Shriner’s they “Seal the Solemn Oath in the name of Allah, God of our Fathers.”

Is Allah, the God of the Holy Bible? NO!

Allah was a Babylonian god first found in the Epic of Atrahasis (1700 BC). He was known as the god of revolution and violence.

Is violence good? No!

Later on in the oath they quote: “Islam is the one true faith.”

The Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q” isa Masonic appendant invitational body Quetzalcoatl is known a God who will reappear from the East as the Morning Star (Eastern Star), preceding the sun. Q – hmmm.

Are you beginning to see just how far freemasonry is from Christianity and why they call it a Religion and just how easy it is to get sucked into all this shit?

Freemasonry has always been condemned by the church. Pope Leo VIII said: “Let no man think that he may for any reason whatsoever, join the Massonic sect, if he values his Catholic name and his eternal salvation.” “To join with these men, or in any way to help them, cannot be lawful.”

Under the old code of Canon Law (Roman Catholic Christian Law) anyone who joined the Masons was automatically excommunicated.

There are over 200 documents from the Vatican that condemn freemasonry.

Former Popes would excommunicate those members who even associated with a mason.

Freemason magazine used to be called “New Age.” I mean come on, can it really get any more obvious than this??

Due to the negative attention this name caused, they changed the name to “SCOTTISHRITE.”

It says in this magazine that “Catholicism, not communism or socialism, is Masons immediate worry.”

In 1885 The French Grand Orient Masonic Lodge – “We masons must aim for the complete destruction of Catholicism.” “The fight between Catholicism and masons is a fight to the very death, ceaseless and merciless.”

As mentioned before, the Catholic Church has been invisibly invaded and infiltrated by the freemasons who believe in the esoteric new age.

ALL governments of the world have been infiltrated. This goes very, very deep and they all have the same AGENDA.

Manny Johnson, a former official of the Communist Party of America said this in 1953 to the House Un-American Activities Committee: “the communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through the Infiltration of the Catholic Church by communists operating within the Catholic church itself.”

A defector of the communist party said that one of her jobs was to increase “Radicals” into the Priesthood. She said that she alone encouraged thousands to infiltrate the Seminaries and Religious Orders of the Catholic Church. She said that they were controlling the highest places of the church in the 1950’s.

Evangelist Billy Graham who appeared at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C. to celebrate Jim Shaw's swearing allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, the oath of allegiance that
all 33rd degree Masons take -above and beyond any oath to God or to country. Source for this:

So Billy Graham has nothing to do with Jesus. Most, if not EVERY SINGLE one them who are on TV are not Christians but were planted there and you can easily tell by the wealth and their elaborate life styles.

There are many other stories about Billy Graham being a rapist, child pedophile.

Pat Robinson was on the Cover of Time making the Lions Claw Symbol, which is definitely a mason, but just the fact that he was on the COVER of TIME pretty much guarantees him as being one.

In the book “The Pope and the Apocalypse”, it hints that the secret society of P2 Masons had Pope John Paul I on his 33rd day. Pope John Paul discovered a web of corruption at the top of the Vatican Bank. You can download pdf of this book here →

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church was murdered by Masons on June 27, 1844. Now Joseph Smith was a Mason, BUT he broke the secret oath and he shared the Masonic Grand Hailing sign.

The Masons don’t use the normal time calendar AD, they use A.L. AL means Anno Lucis – the Year of Light. It means the year of Lucifer, the Light Bearer.

An Obelisk is a masonic symbol representing the Phallus – erect dick to say we are going to f*ck America.

The masons believe in Symbology and Numerology, especially the number 33. The first Freemason lodge was built in Charleston, SC on the 33 latitude and the nuclear bomb tested was dropped on 33rd latitude. Both nuclear bombs in Japan dropped on the 33rd latitude.

The cities where the bombs were dropped contained the most Catholics. The man who dropped these bombs were 33rd Degree Mason, Harry Truman.

Before he dropped the bombs he was 32nd degree and after he was 33rd degree. He said: “Although I hold the highest civil honor in the world, I’ve always regarded my rank as a past Grand Master of the masons as the greatest honor that has ever come to me.”

What else took place on the 33rd Latitude? It was in Texas. It was on November 22, 1963. Just as the president passed an Obelisk he was shot. On that obelisk it says “within this small park was built...the first fraternal lodge in the state of Texas. That is where JFK was shot. Right by the first masonic lodge in Texas. Just a coincidence? There are no coincidences with these top 33rd’s, they receive their orders from demonic esoteric sources on what, how, when and where to do things.

FDR, a mason said: “If anything happens in politics, you bet there was a plan behind it.”

May 1st is when the Illuminati was founded and why there is always a military celebration in Russia.

Modern Freemasonry was given its name by Joseph Levy on August 26, 1716 and approved on June 4, 1717 by the 1st Official Freemasonic Lodge.

They chose masonry as it would act as a thick veil over Secret Origin of their Foundation.

Freemasonry actually began in the year 43 AD with a Group called the “Mysterious Force.”

It started when a counsellor of King Herod came to him and complained to him that the FOLLOWERS OF JESUS had a MYSTERIOUS FORCE.

He said that they should establish their own mysterious force to combat the Christian mysterious force.
The purpose behind this group would be to attack the teachings of Jesus in order to preserve Judaism. King Herod said: “We will use the hammer, because it was used to hammer Jesus’ hands and feet.” “Every session will be opened by striking the hammer 3 times.”

Every session is initiated with symbolic gesture to condemn Jesus. Judges use this hammer also.

Sound familiar – the hammer for the election software? But that was all part of the Movie also, all for a good show to get the people on one side or another and argue about something. Just a distraction. And so the infiltration of all history began.

King Herod also said: “We will make Degrees. These will be 33 symbolizing the age of our imposter.”

November 1st, 43 AD, the first official session was held in the first Temple of Jerusalem, which was a basement in the palace of King Herod.

The meeting of the mysterious force was always held in the temple.

In 1717, modern Freemasonry changed the name of the Temple to the name Lodge.

Masonry is of Jewish Origin.

Rabbi Isaac Weiss wrote in 1855: “Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, assignments, signs and explanations are of Jewish nature from the beginning to end.”

Jewish historian, Bernard Lazare: “It is evident that there were only Jews and Cabalistic Jews, in Masonry’s origin.”

Theodore Hertzel – the Founder of Zionism in 1897 in Switzerland: “Masonic Lodges are established all over the world to help us achieve our independence. Those pigs, the Non-Jewish Masons, will NEVER understand the final objects of masonry.”

They are saying that inner fraternity is the nucleic DNA of Freemasonry in which only 5% are the members are aware of the Secret. The Christians who are members are oblivious to the fact that the top leaders think of them as chattel, just like all the gentiles.

They call the members who are clueless – “Useful Idiots.”

What do Jews believe in?

You can download a free pdf of the Jewish Encyclopedia here – it is a HUGE book of over 750 pages and it is old and the writing is not the best, but it is good enough to read.

Volume 12: “For the majority of Jews, the Talmud is still the Supreme Authority in Religion.”

You can download a free PDF of the Babylonian Talmud here – another huge book, over 3,000 pages, this is a good copy where you can word search:

“The ultimate authority for Orthodoxy is the Babylonian Talmud.”

Some of the things in the Talmud: Catholic Holiday is called the day of Evil. The Christian Church is called the “House of Evil and they say it deserves to be burned.” “All Christians, including the best of them should be killed.”

“Gentiles are not called men, but barbarians.”

“Christ is in Hell, punished with boiling hot excrement.”

The top leadership of the Freemasons are the Talmudic Jews. They are ANTI-CHRIST, period. They are of Hate. Jesus is of Love.

Why would one, who believes in Love and believes in Jesus want to be part of this organization which promises wealth. They don’t promise love or health, but they focus on wealth, control and power. That is the root of freemasonry.

They want to bring an Anti-Christ Kingdom.

They are the hidden ones that are behind both Communism and Socialism. 100%. They were behind the Bolshevik Revolution, they ran the Russian Gulag System – watch the video I uploaded on this →

If a Gentile was caught trying to escape Russia just 106 years ago, they would get a MINIMUM sentence of 15 years of VERY hard Labor, working 12 hour days, and 1 day off every 10 days. Millions died as they were worked to death.

The Freemasons were behind this. AND, NO, it has NOT changed. They are just operating more wisely and more subtle now, they are taking the Soft Kill approach with drugs and vaccines and nanotechnology injected into the body to make Biosensors for their Wide Body Area Networks – WBAN’s so they can monitor everything about a gentile. See more on that here → Sabrina Wallace – Transhumanism – Synthetic Biology – Project Salus – Synthetic Telepathy

and here → ***Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network

and here → ***Wireless Body Area Network – (WBAN) – Was the Purpose of Covid to Connect us to the Cloud?

and here → ***Sabrina Wallace – CoV-BAN, IoT and WBAN – Computer Networking Through the Human Body

The Jewish International Bankers are in control of the world at this very second. They are ones who finance wars – both sides – all sides, they always come out winners.

Under Israelis Anti-Missionary Law 5738 passed on December 25, 1977 – yes on Christmas – “If a Christian is taught giving a New Testament to an Israeli, he may face a jail term of up to 5 years.”

Benjamin Netanyahu said if Christ were alive today he would Re-Crucify him.

Then you have the Head of the Snake himself, the self-proclaimed “Father of Vaccines” kissing Benjamin’s ass and saying we support Israel all the way and him wearing the Yamaka or Kippah hat praying. You know one thing, when you were that hat to pray, you are NOT praying to Jesus.

Watch my videos on Trump, start with this one and read the Description as it contains links and valuable information → ***Trump -- “I've NEVER had a Flu Shot and I Don't get the Flu – I don’t like injecting BAD STUFF”

March 15, 1923 – issue of Jewish World stated – “Fundamentally, Judaism is Anti-Christian.”
Does that even need to be said? That has always been obvious, hasn’t it??

Judaism, Freemasonry and Communism = Anti-Christian.

New York Jewish National Day – December 14, 1935 – “The Public Schools must be kept clear of Christmas carols and other Christmas influence, we want all this Christmas Propaganda stopped.”

New York Jewish Paper Freiheit, January 10, 1937 – “According to the Jewish Religion, the Pope is the enemy of the Jewish people, by the very fact that he is head of the Catholic Church. The Jewish religion is opposed to Christianity and to the Catholic Church, in particular.”

*Note: The Catholic Church is now 100% controlled from the top – they have been effectively infiltrated and control the Popes now, just as they do American Politicians, including the Presidents, elections are SELECTIONS by the top Freemason, the Jewish Chabad Kabbalists.

Jesus says: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

I am not saying that I personally believe in these very words because I believe a lot is metaphor but the words of Jesus do resonate with my soul. I believe God in within us, not external. I believe the message of Jesus was that we all could become masters like he was. I believe Jesus was the highest evolved DNA Human to walk on this planet. I believe Jesus did perform what we call miracles, but miracles are not real, what he did was using his mastery, his consciousness, his love – it’s not magic, it is Universal God Loving Force. The frequency is LOVE is the most powerful frequency of the Universe. It exposes evil. Evil cannot survive in the Light of Love.

Their light is from Lucifer, their “Light Bearer.” The light is enough knowledge to get what they want, wealth, power and control. They do not know love. They are driven by hate.

Reagan, Bush, Obama and Trump had the Orthodox Jews in the White House while they all signed favorable contracts with them.

The letter U on products stands for Union of Orthodoxed Rabbis. The K stands for Kosher. Companies HAVE to put these letters on their products and they have to pay for them.

The true ROOTS of FREEMASONRY comes from Kabalah. Kabalah is a Hebrew word for “received tradition.”

The Kabalah is a medieval Jewish book of Occult Philosophy and Magic based on mystical interpretations of the Old Testament. The Kabalah is important to magicians, sorcerers, witches, Satanists, as well as Masonic philosophers.

Once again, all of Freemasonry is rooted to Jewish Kabalah. The book “Morals and Dogma” mentions Kabalah 93 times. You can get a free pdf copy of “Morals and Dogma” here →

From Morals and Dogma -- “Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah.”

“All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Bœhme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.”

It is saying ALL Masonic Symbolism and Secrets come from the Kabalah.

There you have it!


**** → → **If you want to watch, what I think is the absolute BEST video on Freemasons, you absolutely have to watch this from my friend, former X-Factor Winner, Altiyan Childs:
→ ***The Secret Religion that Runs the World – Ex-Freemason – X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs – MUST SEE

I took 63 pages of Notes on the above lecture by Altiyan Childs – can be found on my blog here →

*Other related Videos I have uploaded that has to do with Freemasonry:

1. ***Bill Schnoebelen – Former Satanic Voodoo High Priest Exposes the Illuminati – Masonry is a Religion
Masonry is a Religion. It is a religion that does not acknowledge Jesus but rather Hiram Abiff, chief architect of Solomon's Temple. They dupe members into believing it is Christian society as one of their degrees says this.

You can't get into "Hard Core Satanism" unless you are a “Worth” Free Mason. Then you have to sell your Soul to the Devil and sign in Blood in the Black Book. After this the Devil will give you ANYTHING you want for 7 Years. After 7 years the Devil can take you to Hell. Hell is like a Wild Party to Satanists, a drunken never-ending Orgy.
You can NOT be a Satanic Priest until first you are a Catholic Priest and you recruit 7 People who will sell their Souls to the Devil.

2. ***KAY GRIGGS - Illuminati Kay Griggs tells ALL - Military is Run by Homosexual Deviants - *Hidden GEM –

Source to this video: EarthNewspaper --


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