Let No Man Judge You ~ Colossians 2: Context is Key

1 year ago

It is a rare Sabbath-keeper and/or Feast-Keeper who has not had Colossians 2 thrown at them with the assertion that the feast days and weekly sabbath were "nailed to the cross". This passage is rife with misunderstandings.

Join Tom and his sabbath fellowship as they discuss some of the key aspects of this chapter. Who are the men in verses 4, 8, and 16? How does circumcision and baptism (verses 11-12) fit into the topic? What are the ordinances that were "against us"? What was nailed to the cross? Does being a "shadow of things to come" mean that the laws about food and drink, or the laws about appointed times, were done away with? Who does have a right to judge you on these matters?

By having a firm grasp on the context of verse 14, you will be prepared to give an answer to those who apply this text as their basis for judging you for your obedience to God's laws. No matter what side of the discussion you are on, you will find this video rather interesting.

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