"The Fall Of 'The God Kings' The 'Khmer Empire' 'Fall of Civilizations' 5"

1 year ago

"The Fall Of 'The God Kings' The 'Khmer Empire' 'Fall of Civilizations' 5"

January. 03, 2024. Documentary, Human Empires, Civilization, The God Kings, The 'Khmer Empire, Fall of Civilizations,

Deep in the Cambodian Jungle, a ruined city crumbles among the roots of banyan trees.

In this episode, we look at the Khmer Empire of medieval Cambodia, and the ancient mega-city of Angkor. I want to explore how this great civilization rose to a size and wealth virtually unprecedented in the world, how it overcame the challenges of its climate and landscape, and all the factors that led to its final, dramatic collapse.

we have been engrossed in your podcast Fall of Civilizations. The abundance of unknown historical information we have just discovered is mind-blowing. The wealth of knowledge, the breadth of your research, your impeccable delivery in both audio and visual, and your spellbinding narration are award winning. Thank-you for your tireless dedication to history; the accuracy and your enlightening insights coupled with the way in which you engage with the viewer. This series is brilliant. In every episode thus far, I have been able to imagine myself living within that civilization...the precariousness that must have been felt is overwhelming. WELL DONE!!! SUBSCRIBED!!

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Fall of Civilizations the book is now available to pre-order: linktr.ee/fallofcivilizations

Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas
Voice Actors:

Rhy Brignell
Lou Millington
Sebastian Garbacz

Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: incompetech.com/

Title theme: Home At Last by John Bartmann. https://johnbartmann.com/

Special thanks to Tom Chandler, Brent McKee, Mike Yeates and Chandara Ung of SensiLab, Monash University Faculty of IT for kindly sharing their digital recreations of ancient Angkor.

View their project here:

Project website: https://www.virtualangkor.com/

Medieval Angkor Wat:


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Behnke, Alison. Angkor Wat. United States, Twenty-First Century Books,
Bergaigne, Abel Henri Joseph. Inscriptions sanscrites de Campa et du Cambodge. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale,
Briggs, Lawrence Palmer. The Ancient Khmer Empire. United States, American Philosophical Society,
Chandler, David. A History of Cambodia. Boulder, Westview Press, .
Coedès, George and Pierre Dupont, ‘Les stales de Sdok Kak Thorn, Phnom Sandak et Prah Vihar,’
Coe, Michael D, and Damian Evans. Angkor and the Khmer Civilization. United Kingdom, Thames & Hudson,
DiBiasio, Jame. The Story of Angkor. Silkworm
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Higham, Charles F. The Civilization of Angkor. United States, University of California Press.
The Origins of the Civilisation of Angkor.’ Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 121, Lectures. United Kingdom, OUP/British Academy,
Jacques, Claude and Philippe Lafond. The Khmer Empire: Cities and Sanctuaries from the 5th to the 13th Century. Thailand, River Books,
MacDonald, Malcolm. Angkor and the Khmers. Singapore, Oxford University Press,
McCurry, Steve. Sanctuary: The Temples of Angkor. London, Phaidon Press,
Osborne, Milton. The Mekong: Turbulent Past, Uncertain Future. United States, Grove Atlantic,

Pym, Christopher. The Ancient Civilization of Angkor. United Kingdom, New American Library,

Rooney, Dawn and Peter Danford. Angkor: An Introduction to the Temples. Hong Kong, Odyssey,

Smith, Robert. The Kings of Angkor.
So, Kenneth T. The Khmer Kings and the History of Cambodia. Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand,
Stargardt, Janice. ‘Water for the State or Water for the People?: Wittfogel in South and Southeast Asia in the First Millennium.’ Water Societies and Technologies from the Past and Present, edited by Yijie Zhuang and Mark Altaweel. UCL Press,

Stewart, Frank, et al., editors. Out of the Shadows of Angkor: Cambodian Poetry, Prose, and Performance Through the Ages. University of Hawaii Press,

Sutherland, Heather. ‘Geography as Destiny?: The Role of Water in Southeast Asian History.’ In: Peter Boomgaard (ed.). A World of Water: Rain, Rivers and Seas in Southeast Asian Histories. Brill,

1/4/2024, 1/4/24, 01/04/24, 01/04/2024, 1-4-2024, 01-04-24, 2024-01-04, 2024/01/04,, Jan. 04th 2024, January 4th 2024,

Documentary, Movies, Human Empires, Civilization, The God Kings, The 'Khmer Empire, Fall of Civilizations, Human, History, Movie, The World, Conquest, Colonization, Land, Fall of Civilizations, Cities, Mankind, Human Race, The 'Fall Of Civilizations, Historical, History, Documentaries, Civilizations, Civilization, The Rise And Fall, The Fall Of Civilizations, societal Collapse, Apocalypse, The Fall of Civilizations, Empires, Roman Empire, Non Fiction,

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