No sales on Instagram?

1 year ago

❌ Avoid THESE for more sales on Instagram

Let’s fix these to boost your sales.

❌ People don’t know what you offer:

You might even feel like you’re talking about your program or product a lot.

But I can guarantee you, most people won’t know what you do or what you offer. And they’re not going to your bio and find out.

Make them curious by talking about your offers in your stories and dropping references to your services and products in your content.

Just mentioning the things I was doing in my program was one of the easiest way to boost my account , the views, the stories and posts

❌ You’re not posting the right content

The beauty of a solid attraction content marketing strategy is that it does most of the selling for you.

Your content needs to attract people by highlighting their dream outcome.

The easiest way to sell out consistently and even raise your prices is knowing how to create content that highlights your audience’s desires and the transformation they want.

❌ You’re not activating people into action

Don’t assume people will just take action and click your link or go check out your product.

Tell them exactly what the next step is. And how to take action.

We need to tell them a very clear and direct call to action.✅

When you know how to leverage this formula, your content will make consistently sales.

❤️ Follow @margetingtom to grow your business with Instagram!

✨ I have a very good offer for you now :
you can be part of our community for 14 days complete for Free .
You learn everything how to monetize your account without paid ads or followers.
Just organic .
You can use 14 days our community, the whole mentorship lessons and 17 live zoom calls with the top 1% in their industry.
In my b!O there is a free video .

Comment I’m Ready“ and I can send you more info.


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