Ep. 51: Elizabeth & Guest Cohost, Maureen Higgins On Healing the Ancestry

1 year ago

In this episode we explore how when we heal ourselves we positively impact our ancestry 14 generations backwards and forwarss in time. The idea that it runs in the family– can be shifted and when we do, the gifts and talents from our ancestry can have a greater influence. This episode highlights the importance of healing yourself and your ancestry. And the importance of sticking with the healing journey even when it gets difficult. Whatever your healing practice is that works for you, take heart, done over a period of time it does make great change to support both our inner and outer transformation. Maureen Higgins is an alternative counselor and coach who started Wings of Freedom 25 years ago, and founded the School for Higher Consciocsness–knowledge for a new era. https://www.schoolforhigherconsciousness.com https://www.wingsoffreedom.com

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