Chased by a car jacking gang-Fla-Texas-by-18-Wheelers & 25+Cars-

1 year ago

Chased by a car jacking gang-Fla-Texas-by-18-Wheelers & 25+Cars-fix it mark of the beast! system in place-

The car jackers started in fla on a family surf trip to the cape-We went to get Gas and I got 2 cars zip in and box the front of my toyota 4x4 truck i was getting gas wife was locked in car & could not let me in door unlock was blocked-my key fob did not work i was gonna break window but only by the grace of God i had a key in my pocket i got in and the chase over three states and every county in fla from the west to the east coast before i could make it out of fla they disabled my navigation system so east was west and west was east leading me in to a dead end with a road block sigh in the pouring rain-I STOPPED at the dead end was about to do 3 point turn and go back but they boxed me in with 3 cars- i drove in the shoulder -a ditch hit my 4x4 and barley got out-and went around the dead end sign the chase continued for three days strait i had a 10 hour gas tank or i would be dead-they had men at each Gas station waiting for me to get gas-they had 18 wheeler working to box me some chasing me at 90 miles and hour swerving left and right to knock me off the road or two would try to squeeze me in to a rear end accident...this was no joke Toyota knows and did shit went to 3 dealers all but one helped me he put tape over the two cams that the car hackers could see what road i was on and where i was at all time and via the S>OS button they could hear us at al l times and still can 2 weeks later..

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