Miriam - Chapter 31

9 months ago

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As the weeks turned to months, Ari’s strange street encounter, instead of fading into the past, seemed all the more vivid and troublesome. There was no way he could deny its reality, though he wasn’t sure what that meant in relation to an “intelligence” that could take on different forms, do the impossible, and appear and disappear apparently at will. His undergraduate work in physics had, in a sense, prepared him for something so bizarre. In the world of subatomic particles, the impossible happened all the time. But to see it in the mundane world of everyday experience was mind-boggling.

It was also very disturbing. So much that Elor had said made good sense. There was no doubt that the new freedom in Eastern Europe wasn’t the cure-all. Though bastions of freedom, Western democracies were seething cauldrons of racism and bigotry, with increasing crime, mushrooming debt, and monumental selfishness that left little hope of ever seeing the kind of compassionate caring for others that was so obviously needed. The transformation of the heart that Elor spoke of with such conviction was definitely needed, but he had declined to explain how that would come about.

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