Republican Congressional Candidate wants Common Sense for California!

8 months ago

What do you call people who don’t own their homes and don’t own their businesses?

Freedom is economic freedom. We are not free. We are being conquered and colonized.

It’s time to return to common sense.

We have a system which more closely resembles Authoritarianism than it does the Republic. Our people are treated like Russian Serfs, or Sharecroppers.

Newsom acts more like a King, or an Emperor, than he does a Governor. Whenever he decides he doesn’t like a vote, whether by the people, or by his own party, he changes, vetoes, doesn’t enforce, or simply doesn’t let the bill go to a vote…

California’s Universal Healthcare bill died without a vote because Emperor Newsom pulled the bill. He doesn’t care what the people want.

He’s taken a $97.5B surplus and has turned it into a $31B deficit. He’s trash policy with great hair.

We are a conquered people. We just don’t realize it because we have been slow boiled over hundreds of years, but they turned up the temperature too quickly.

Race is the cousin of economics. The Uyghurs are treated in China, the way black people were treated in this country for hundreds of years.

We can unlock opportunity, stop capitalizing on scarcity, and bank on abundance in Education, Healthcare, Water, Energy, and Defense.

We need to return to common sense.

Water; we need to grow the food we eat.

Energy; we need to power the economy.

Defense; we don’t have a country if we can’t defend it.

We are the richest state, in the richest nation in the world. It’s time we act like it. We have abundant resources in Uranium, Lithium, and oil. It’s time to drill and unlock the economy in California.

We know what it looks like when you lose the fight to Authoritarianism, it looks a lot like China. We need to stand up to the globalists, authoritarian dictatorships, oligarchs, and the World Economic Forum on American soil.

Unfortunately, the Golden State is ground zero in the fight against corruption. Fortunately, we have 1.7M Veterans who took an Oath to protect the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Different uniform. Same mission. This campaign isn’t looking for Luke warm volunteers and Sunshine patriots.

We’re aligning with radical revolutionaries who love this state, our country and the people in it. Let this revolution not be judged by what we can destroy, but by what we can create!

Check out my book “Common Sense for California; A Guide to The New Revolution.”

See you in the trenches…

#WEF #BRICS #Republic #Authoritarianism #EmperorNewsom #EconomicHitman #CCP #MAGA #NFSC #Surplus #Deficit #California #CommonSense #Radicals #Revolutionaries #Race #Economics #Slaves #Sharecropper #Serfs #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #Veterans #USMC #Politics #CA39 #Congress #Revolution #ThomasPaine

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