TUT Broadcast Jan. 2, 2024

1 year ago

First and foremost--

Sincerest Happy New Year wishes to all Gentiles of good will worldwide, and may 2024 be the year that sees the beast (and its followers) tossed into that same lake of fire that both Christianity and Islam predict will come.

Today's program--

'Blessed is he, who seizes your children, and smashes their heads against the rocks...'

An 'unpacking' of a recent 'shiur' (Torah discussion) hosted by Rabbi Yaaron Reuven concerning Judah-ism's commands for killing children during war and how these precepts and protocols are being followed--TO THE LETTER--not only in the continuing carnage taking place in Gaza, but as well, throughout the entire world where the followers of Torah Judah-ism exist and wield power--political, economic or otherwise.

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