Talented Cat Solves Owner’s Crossword Puzzle By Insinuating The Answer

7 years ago

Butters does his very best to assist his owner during a puzzle session and you got to give him an A for his effort! What do you think? Was Butters merely playing or did he really solve the crossword?

Felines are known for their innate agility and intelligence, but how far do these smarts extend? Owner discovered just how witty his kitty was while working on a regular crossword puzzle. Watch as Butters keeps placing his paw on the newspaper, making it impossible to focus. At first, you would think that the cat just wants to sit on the paper, but maybe he just wants to finish the puzzle?

As Butters’ paw swiftly batted the paper again, one might wonder if the cat is literate and knows how to read words? Funny how this cat seems to be very interested in the crossword puzzle and seems to be telling the owner where to write his next word, by smoothly touching his nose to the empty squares on the newspaper. Amazing!

All pet owners like to think their furry friends are smart, but this one will tell you that his pet is a genius! Knowing the answer to the puzzle goes beyond cat’s intelligence! Is owner imagining things or is this code breaking cat trying to insinuate the answer?

Every time the owner starts working on them puzzles, Butters joins in and tries to help his owner by placing his paws on the paper and touching the empty squares with his nose. Curiosity killed the cat or is it the other way round? How adorable!

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