Patient Beagle Loses His Temper After Overly-Affectionate Cat Showers Him With Kisses

7 years ago

A heartwarming video has emerged of a cat and dog sharing a special bond. Meet Craig the one-year-old Tri-Colour Beagle, and Findlay the four-month-old kitten doing their best to live under the same roof. However, sometimes enough is enough!

This adorable cat-dog friendship goes up on the cuteness overload scale. Footage shows a cat and a dog comfortably tucked under a cloth cover, enjoying their alone nap time, cosily nested on the chair. Watch as this needy cat teases and bothers the sleepy dog, not allowing him to nap in peace. The patient Beagle is obviously bothered by the nagging cat, but he tries not to lose his temper, hoping that the feline will eventually stop the wet treatment.

Despite of the fact that massages and kisses are very comfortable indeed, there are some times when we have had enough of the love and affection and want to be left in peace and quiet. Well, apparently, this needy cat does not understand the term “privacy” and “enough is enough” so she continues giving the wet treatment to her Beagle buddy, showering him with love and affection.

Moments later, we see that pooch lost his temper and decided to stop the cat from bothering him. “It is time to sleep, go away!”, the dog started to see red and went against the cat, trying to teach him a lesson. These two seem to be very good friends and get along perfectly fine, but when it comes to sleep, there are some boundaries that need to be respected!

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