1/2/24 Who’s Watching You Today? "Enemy of the State" part 2 S2E2p2

1 year ago

1/2/24 Who’s Watching You Today? "Enemy of the State" part 2
Growing up, we were told that everyone would get his or her “15 minutes of fame” at some point in life. Little did we realize that some day strangers would amass storehouses of data on every one of us, and know us better than we know ourselves! But longing to be known by someone has always been foolish, because the Bible tells us that the spiritual world has been watching – and recording! – life on earth since the beginning. So if the whole universe is watching everything you do whether you like it or not, then toward what audience do you aim your life and actions each day? And further – why is that among the most important questions in these last days?

This week on this re-broadcast, Something’s Happening Here's big topic is the modern techno-surveillance state.

Season 2 Episode 2
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#WhosWatchingYouToday, #technostate, #surveillancestate, #surveillance, #spying, #government

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