How is Sam Hyde not in jail over this? fishtanklive

1 year ago

No means no, regardless of contract. Sam Hyde is clearly using his position of power and his finances to intimidate this young woman half his age into going along with having her appearance disfigured for a cheap gag after saying NO repeatedly and crying. You can see that she was visibly traumatized by it and tried to play along in spite of it because if she doesn't win fishtanklive she got her hair cut off in bald patches for nothing.

And then Sam was paying Jimmy to put the moves on Trisha IMMEDIATELY after the incident and he got too handsy with a girl that had just had her look destroyed for no good reason. And so Sam berated Jimmy for not getting consent before putting his arm around her immediately after Sam forced himself onto her to give her a really bad haircut without consent. Flaming hypocrisy.

The next day the other girls moved in instinctively to screen defense for Trisha when Sam tried to approach her after these two incidents occurred on the day before. Girls don't start screening defense like its 2nd nature that way without a traumatic event for a catalyst. Trisha has been trying to avoid Sam inside the house and the psychological snapshot of the entire show is a picture of demoralization now. I don't like people watching a young woman get tortured by a man twice her age and thinking its funny.

They will have to let Trisha win in order to avoid retaliation if she loses. This isn't a reality TV show, this is criminal activity. Season one of fishtanklive was pretty amazing and I actually loved it so I paid the 60 for the season pass for season 2. And now Sam Hyde is single-handedly bringing back feminism. What a degenerate. I bet Simmons is laughing his ass off right now.

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