Little Boy Welcomes His Dad Back From The Army

7 years ago

It is hard for families when one of their members goes away to serve their country. Countless men and women make it their life’s path to protect and serve the country they love, but that means that they have to leave their loved ones behind.

Adults might have it easier, because they understand what is at stake here. Children, on the other hand, struggle with the idea that mommy or daddy will be gone for a long period of time. That is why these homecoming videos are always a delight to watch. Grab your tissues, folks, because this one is a tearjerker.

Kristen Hall took her two young children for a ride in the car, but then they stopped and she let her son come out of the car first. “We gotta go around and get Peeka now, ok?” mom says to her boy and the kid agrees. Peeka is his baby sister’s nickname, because peek-a-boo is her favorite game!

When the two turn around the car, there’s daddy in his Navy uniform, crouching by the ground to be the same height as his little hero. “Hi buddy!” says the dad with the warmest smile on his face. The kid doesn’t even stop for a moment; he recognizes the familiar face and runs into his open arms.

It is so hard to tell who missed whom more. The kid’s firm embrace around his dad is definitely the winner here, because no matter what dad does or says, the boy will not let go of the hug. It’s been over a month since he last saw his dad and he sure isn’t going to let him go away again!

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