The US military’s recruitment crisis - What’s behind it?

1 year ago

The United States military is facing its greatest recruitment crisis in 50 years.
Military leaders say they are struggling to hit their enlistment targets because most potential recruits simply do not meet the military’s eligibility standards, while data shows that more than half of young people simply do not see a future in the armed forces.
Many attribute this to information about the military’s internal culture being more readily available now, including reports of racism and sexual harassment, and fears of a lack of adequate care and support for veterans, while others argue that the decline in recruitment has more to do with how young people view the military and a shift in personal beliefs when it comes to war.
It is striking that Washington brings forward many reasons, but is not mentioning the real reason why the recruitment problems exist.
Non of the law makers dares to mention Generation Z and their woke attitude like warfare only from Monday till Friday and during certain hours.
Are we witnessing a change in Americans’ relationship to their military?

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