County Supervisors Association of Arizona The Enemy of Mohave County Supervisor Hildy Linn Angius?

11 months ago

Hildy Linn Angius asked to be reappointed to the County Supervisors Association Legislative Committee for 2024 when another supervisor offered to take the position, and this was AFTER she mentioned she "wasn't sure" she wanted to be on the committee at a previous BOS meeting... Here's a ungrateful attack on the people who she visits (she attended the last conference in Flagstaff). The BOS pays a pretty hefty annual fee to belong to CSA and she has voted to continue thier membership year after year. So why is she slamming this County Supervisors Association for? WTF is this all about? WOW! The person does nothing but backstab anyone who she comes in contact with. TWO FACES.

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