These Strange Things Are Happening Worldwide While You Are Quarantined.. 2020 PROPHETIC TIMES

1 year ago


We have known for a long time that we were living in the end times for several reasons, but the things that are happening behind our backs at this moment and time, confirms it without a doubt! A New World Order Is entering the stage, the warnings are all over the internet. But we should not be surprised this is something the globalists have planned for centuries.

This will not be the typical video you are used to watch on this channel, but I feel that I need to share the information and warn you, it has come to my knowledge that there are some strange things going on right now while we are asked to stay at home. And I can not simply watch from the sideline and do nothing about this. I've been looking into this for a week now.

Therefor I will use the power of this channel to spread this information. You can make whatever you want with the information, but please consider praying about it, if there is any truth to this then let the truth shine bright and overcome the darkness and lies.

Remember to not fear, remember who is coming on a white horse with all his saints to judge the world! ALSO Don't take anybody's word for it, do your own research!

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