Who is "ALL Israel" that will be saved in Romans 11?

8 months ago

Published Jan 2nd , 2024
Streamed Dec 29st, 2023

Join Tyrel Welch and myself as we discuss the question of WHO IS ISRAEL in a 101 type of conversation.
Is the "church" a new entity and does it "replace" Israel and the Jews? NO!

Are ONLY the Jews Israel and the "church" an entirely separate and new entity that started on "Pentecost" Sunday? NO!

Both main Christian theological systems (replacement theology and dispensationalism) and the majority of Judaism completely whiff and miss the prophecy Jacob made over Ephraim after Jacob adopted Joseph's youngest son as his 14th son. Ephraim LITERALLY did become "the fullness of the gentiles" (Gen 48). They also miss that Paul quotes this prophecy in Romans 11 when ALL Israel will then be saved.

We will track the distinct blessings Jacob AND Moses gave to Judah compared and contrasted to/with Joseph and Ephraim. Even when the kingdom was "united" under Saul, David and Solomon, Scripture records numerous distinctions between Judah and Israel. The northern house of Israel/Ephraim (but NOT Judah) was "Jezreeled" (scattered/sown), NOT shown mercy and even called NOT My people in Hosea 1. The house of Israel was also divorced (Jeremiah 3), swallowed up by the nations (Hosea 8) and sifted (Amos 9) amongst the nations. Although Judah was worse, Judah remained in covenant because of the promises to David AND the prior blessings and prophecies given to the tribe of Judah.
Millions around the world are beginning to have ears to hear and eyes to see that they are FORMERLY gentiles who WERE EXCLUDED from CITIZENSHIP in Israel BUT NOW .. are no longer aliens/strangers .... but fellow CITIZENS with the saints. (Eph 2)

Deuteronomy 4 and 30 are beginning to be fulfilled in these "latter days." His people are returning to His Way and His unchanging Truth ... just as Moses said 3500ish years ago.
When people understand their citizenship in His called out from the nations .... singular nation ..... that was/is Israel, in so doing, the lies they inherited from the church fathers are then easier to unlearn. Scriptures that apply to Israel are no longer "explained" away as only being for "the Jews."

As more wild olive tress/branches grafted into the SINGULAR olive tree that was/is ... Israel ..... begin to live in this manner, love God as He commanded AND love our neighbor (this would include Judah), THEN our brother/sister Judah will be made jealous.

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