Argentina's Financial Collapse — Full Documentary

1 year ago

Are you ready for the SHTF? Argentina was plunged into a devastating economic crisis in December 2001/January 2002, when a partial deposit freeze, a partial default on public debt, and an abandonment of the fixed exchange rate led to a collapse in output, high levels of unemployment, and political and social turmoil.

The trigger for the crisis in Argentina was a run on the banking system as people realized that there were not enough dollars in the system to cover all the deposits . As the run intensified, the Argentine government was forced to introduce a so-called “fence” to control the outflow of deposits . Under this system, people could only transfer funds within the banking system but they were not allowed to get cash, except in small amounts . This measure resulted in a monetary crunch and led to a collapse of economic activity—especially in the informal sector which mainly works on cash—and to widespread social unrest

A close friend who lives in the Houston, Texas metropolitan area recently turned down a very lucrative investment offer where he could have potentially quadrupled his investment over a 4 year period. His response as to why he turned it down was, "I discussed it with my wife and we don't think we will be around in 4 years. In all probability the SHTF is coming within 3 months in 2024." He is a retired Houston PD investigator and not given to conspiracy theories lightly.

Why he would continue living where he does is beyond me because even if it does happen I feel relatively safe from it where I live, and I don't live anywhere close to a large metropolitan area. That said, why would anyone want to continue living anywhere close to a large metropolitan area? The choice is yours. Get out NOW while you still can! The ONLY safe areas you will find is in the American Redoubt. If you don't know what those two words mean, google it.

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