Beef Aloo Gosht | How to Make Aloo Gosht Recipe | Degi Aloo Gosht in Urdu / Hindi

1 year ago

Beef Aloo Gosht | How to Make Aloo Gosht Recipe | Degi Aloo Gosht

#aloorecipe #aloogoshtrecipe #beefaloogosht #beefrecipe


Gosht Beef 1/2 kg
Oil 1 cup
Aalu 3 pcs
Onion 1/2 kg
Tomatoes 2 Medium size
Green chillies 2 Pcs (for flavour)
Ginger Garlic paste 1 Tsp
Cumin Powder 1 Tsp
Red Chilli powder 1 Tbsp
Corriander powder 2 Tbsp
Cumin seeds 1/4 Tsp
Garam masla powder 1/4 Tsp
Turmeric Powder 1/4 Tsp
Salt According to the taste
Cloves 1 - 2 Pcs
Big cardamom 1 Pc
Black Peppercorn 8-9 Pcs
Corrianger leaves For Garnishing


Take a pot. Add oil heat little and add Onion ( you can take less onion too as per your need). Fry little, then add
Cumin seeds, Cloves, Black Pepper Corn, Black Big Cardamom. Fry all things properly. Fry onion little and wait
till it start changes it's colour, then add Beef, Ginger Garlic Paste, Salt, Turmeric powder, and Tomatoes and Mix
everything properly and cover it for 5-10 minutes. Till all the water dried(You can check water by checking beef
in between). Now add water nearly 2 glass or according to your beef requirement. Let cook your beef 80%.
Add Potatoes, Red Chilli Powder, Coriander Powder, Cumin Powder, Garam Masala Powder mix it properly.
Cover it for hardly 4-5 minutes till your Beef and masala fried properly(bhoonifie your beef). Then add water as
much consistency you need. I added here 1.5 glass of water. Cover it and put it on medium low flame.
for 5 minutes after that Put on Dum flame for 15 - 20 minutes when Potatoes and Beef Tender and water is
according to your need. Switch of the flame.

Serve your "Beef Aalu Gosht" with love and smile. With flat bread Or Rice.

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