Dave Chappelle Triggers The Left With An Amazing Trans Joke In His New Netflix Special

8 months ago

Dave Chappelle is being criticized yet again for making fun of trans people in his new Netflix special. The Dreamer began with a look at Dave’s rise to fame. He eventually started to narrate a story about the time he visited the set of Man on the Moon to meet Jim Carrey. “I wanted to meet Jim Carrey [who was method acting], but I had to pretend this n—a was Andy Kaufman. All afternoon,” he said. “I could look at him and I could see that he was Jim Carrey.” - “Anyway, I say all that to say: That’s how trans people make me feel,” he added. In the past, Dave has been blasted by the LGBTQ+ community for mocking them during his shows. The new Chappelle show is hilarious, highly recommended unless you have mental issues and are easily triggered.

Twitchy: Rolling Stone Cries About Dave Chappelle's Latest 'Transphobic' Special

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