Article Video - From 2005 Until Now -- Demand for Forfeiture of the IMF and SWIFT By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4465 Video - From 2005 Until Now -- Demand for Forfeiture of the IMF and SWIFT - Friday, November 10, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

From 2005 Until Now -- Demand for Forfeiture of the IMF and SWIFT
(Complete Translation)

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals

Some very strange things happened in 2004. One of them was the purported adoption of a new United States Peacetime flag, supposedly by nine States of the original thirteen (a quorum thereof), which displayed nine vertical bars instead of thirteen.

This was purportedly an update based on the fact that only nine original "States" were still in Session at that point, however, our examination later established that the "States" being referenced were in fact British Territorial States-of-States, aka, "Confederate States" and not the actual States at all. Akin to the "Commonwealths" established in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Virginia, these "States" are foreign entities having no standing to act as States of the Union.

The foreign States doing this were all inhabited by non-declared Americans otherwise counted as resident Dual Federal Citizens/citizens of the United States, so their actions lacked provenance, standing, and general jurisdiction.

This was eventually recognized and their actions were nullified.

Nonetheless, this aberrant attempt to restore the Union was undertaken, and it did have some odd effects beyond temporarily reducing the number of stripes and bars on the flags.

For one thing, the (Global) Department of the Federal Treasury in Switzerland, lost its mind and thought that they no longer had to pay their debts or honor their responsibilities.

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