Article 4463 Video - Federalism 1.0 - Friday, November 10, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4463 Video - Federalism 1.0 - Friday, November 10, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

In all my many years of study of Law, religion, and Government, the best and most succinct explanation of "Federalism" I have ever encountered is that offered by the Cornell Law School online:

"Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. Generally, an overarching national government is responsible for broader governance of larger territorial areas, while the smaller subdivisions, states, and cities govern the issues of local concern.

Both the national government and the smaller political subdivisions have the power to make laws and both have a certain level of autonomy from each other."

The only corrections or additions I would make to this definition would be to rewrite it thus for application in our country--note the comments in parenthesis:

Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory (a State of the Union is not a "territory") is controlled by two (or more) levels of government.

Generally, an overarching national government (provided by our Counties) is responsible for broader governance of larger territorial areas, while the smaller subdivisions, states, and cities govern the issues of local concern. (This applies in many other countries, but isn't exact for ours, because our "national government" is vested at the County level.)

Both the national government and the smaller political subdivisions have the power to make laws and both have a certain level of autonomy from each other."

Our country is a little bit different when it comes to "Federalism".

We do not have a National Government in the same sense that other countries have a National Government --- which protects us and causes consternation for everyone else.

Please take yourselves back to the situation that prevailed at the time that this country and its government was being organized.

Our country was populated by a variety of nations. From the beginning, we have had Native Nations, and we have had various European, African, South American, Asian, Australian, and even Pacific Islander nations populating our land and soil.

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