Frosty Garden's Mid Winter Update & Happy New Year

1 year ago

Happy New Year, everyone!

We figured some of you might appreciate a mid-winter update from us, so here you are! We're deep into winter at this point, regularly experiencing negative temperatures and dealing with really short days. We obviously aren't doing much gardening these days, but thought some of you might appreciate hearing from us.

With the new year, we're starting to get excited about our upcoming growing season. Seed catalogs are starting to roll in and with winter solstice behind us, our days are getting longer by the day. While we still have a few more months before we can get started, the fact that it's now 2024 has us thinking about the future.

We also spent a bit of time in this video introducing ourselves. We realized we just kind of hit things running and figured that some of you might appreciate knowing a bit more about the humans behind our little Frosty Garden project. We've been at this effort since 2015, so we dive in a bit into our background and why we do it.

In this video, we also discuss the updated USDA zone maps that were released quite recently. Our area, Alaska, was a huge beneficiary of higher resolution data and much better overall data. If you want to know more about this, along with links of where you can get access to the maps, check out our article here:

Thanks for all of your support during our last growing season. We look forward to growing with you again in 2024!

As always, you can check out a bunch of our long form cold climate growing focused articles at

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