Trump Town Hall video about January 6th

1 year ago

The reason that President Trump has NOT been indicted for being an insurrectionist almost 3 years after the Capitol uprising is very simple. The evidence does not support the accusation. So what are the panicked Dems doing to find other ways to keep him off the 2024 ballots? Simple, they are using a weaponized DOJ as well as Soros prosecutors to charge Trump with 91 law violations, none of which are fostering an insurrection or causing an uprising or triggering a riot.

Panic smells rather pungent. Fear smells even worse. It must be very depressing for the TDS afflicted Dems when every time they try to stab Trump in the heart, he only gets stronger. Even 538 acknowledges that the polls look terrible for Biden. In this clip below, Trump demonstrates why the Dem lawsuits against him have never held water. There is a depressing history of filed charges with no convictions.

But the same won’t be happening to Biden as 2024 gets underway and his impeachment inquiry shines a light on his family’s corruption. Biden’s going down like a Russian ship hit by a U.S. made drone.

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