Manifest Anything Using “Water Technique” | Bob Proctor| Law of Attraction

1 year ago

Manifest Anything Using “Water Technique” | Bob Proctor| Law of Attraction

Discover the Art of Manifestation and Master the Law of Attraction !

Manifest Anything Using “Water Technique” | Bob Proctor| Law of Attraction
Get ready to learn a prayer technique that will take just two minutes of your time and has the potential to change your life entirely in only two minutes you can do this right this powerful technique has the ability to unlock Miracles especially in the Financial Field. if you want to make a positive impact on your life with very little effort then stay tuned because today's video is exactly what you need.

Robert Corlett Proctor was a Canadian self-help author and lecturer. He was best known for his New York Times best-selling book You Were Born Rich and being a contributor to the film The Secret . Proctor's teachings maintained the idea that a positive self-image is critical for obtaining success, frequently referencing the pseudoscientific belief of the law of attraction.
Proctor's teachings were a major contributor to the rise in prominence of the law of attraction, chiefly because of You Were Born Rich and The Secret. Some experts worried that individuals may opt for Proctor's model of Positive Thinking instead of physical therapies or medical intervention.
The law of attraction originates from quantum mysticism which suggests that positive thinking can shape reality. Critics say that quantum mysticism cannot be connected to quantum mechanics without drawing upon "coincidental similarities of language rather than genuine connections".

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