Whitney Webb - This is how they may cancel the 2024 election – The WEF Plan

9 months ago

2024 sounds like it may be one Psyop after another Psyop with a lot of Cyber Attacks.

Most of their Major Psyops are Simulated. It all goes back to Israeli intelligence.

All the new sh*t can be hacked into. The new vehicles - imagine going down the interstate and someone else takes remote control when you're going 80 mph.

All of this was planned. Remember the Junker for Clunker program. That was to get as many of the old cars off the market as possible to encourage the newer cars and they sent the steel to China - yeah, go figure.

Tabletop Scenario Simulations from the CIA (wink, wink) concluded that Martial Law may have to be initiated.

BUT - these exercises were in the Trump presidency.

My personal opinion is that the election will occur.

One thing you can bet on for sure, you will be hearing about Cyber Attacks in 2024 and a Bill Gates company will likely have affiliations.

If people wake up enough and realize that Trump is the head of the snake and is the fraud of all frauds, they may be forced to do something.


The Trooper -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/61XX1Lw3wRcV/

https://unlimitedhangout.com -- Whitney Webb

Clayton Morris -- REDACTED - 12/30/2023

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