Tsunami Warning in Japan After Strong Earthquake

9 months ago

01/01/2024 BBC News: A 7.6-magnitude earthquake hit the Noto Peninsula near the town of Anamizu in Japan, triggering a major tsunami warning. More than 36,000 homes have lost power. The Japan Broadcasting Association warned of tsunamis of 1 meter, 3 meters, or even 5 meters. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida urged people in coastal areas to evacuate immediately and head to higher ground. The Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan has confirmed that there are currently no abnormalities in any nuclear power plants, and authorities are continuing to monitor possible damage.
01/01/2024 英国广播公司新闻:日本穴水镇附近的能登半岛发生7.6级的地震,并触发了海啸警报。目前已有超过36,000个家庭断电。日本广播协会预警了1米、3米甚至高达5米的海啸。日本首相岸田文雄敦促沿海地区的人们立即疏散,并前往高地。日本内阁官房长官已确认目前尚无任何核电站出现异常情况,相关部门也仍在持续监测是否有潜在损害的存在。

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