WORDS: the containment of spiritual frequency

1 year ago


As study for my upcoming book : "YOUR VOICE HEALS", I ask questions about the spiritual power within WORDS:
the containment of frequency
Here I am asking for more information about the spiritual and frequency information embedded within words:

for example
1.00 ideograms
1.18 Spelling
2.02 Entering my soul room to find information
. Quality, and quantity resonance within words, what they signify.
2.3 5“Spiritual frequency definition of words: Words are of course encapsulated energy. A words is a focused clarity-making organism. I tis a piece of ‘being’: you put this and this and this and this together to convey a meaning. And within each of those elements, you have an interpretation a thought and a feeling. And by including those in the delivery of your sentence, whether spoken or written, you are aiming to translate, information, from your perception to that of someone else. - Bearing in mind that that person will always have a whole different set of filters, interpretants and perceptions. You are doing your best to build a bride: they are bridge-building blocks of course.”
3.40 I see if we can look at the frequency of certain words to see if we can define more clearly what that entails: we look at the words “Lute” and “Loot”
I refer to a a friend I knew who set up the “Altruisitc Society” examining the meaning and structure of sound and symbolism contained within words.
5.45 Looking at sound in words: “Ka”, car, Kabah, ka, merkaba, OK, fuck, kiss cot, carry can, kick, con
K carries energy with it. Kaaaa open sound. the ability to make space before you.
6.45 “Smooth”: soft and fun on gin the middle. describing something generally with physical sensation trying to translate physical sensation into a word. Oooh takes you back into the body.
Some words are to take you back into the physical body, some are to enable you to traverse space and time: “tra-verse, uni-verse, con-verse, multi-verse, verse, purse, nurse, worse, terce.
7.56 The sound you hear brings a certain signal. the MK ultra programming used pain and sound of certain frequency to inflict structure - diversionary structure with the mind. Some the way we were taught words do this.
Some of the best poets flow words through and out- that’s how I write- I allow it to flow through my spirit. It is the sound and the meaning combined. You allow a stream of thought to come through and find the best vehicles.
8.35 How can we use words and speech in a powerful way? To inspire, uplift, to soothe, to heal, to bring more awareness, to add love…
We be in a state of receptivity to that which we wish to impart: if you wish to be “the lover”, you are in a state of love. The words that come through you, whether spoken or written will echo that. If you are not fully in that place ( love), you will have something else in that. If you are able to anchor yourself to that specific feeling you wish to convey, -“the healing”, your words will have a soothing meaning, an inspiring one.
9.35 I explain how today I had the challenge of dealing with he aftermath of having money stolen from my account. - many strange things happened with money in last year.
So I was attempting to give myself healing to bring in new reciting to see how you could expand and inspire myself and others, to move past a grief of feeling being controlled and limited and hurt by money in its many complications. In this case, money being taken and stolen. Money can be taken in many ways: through price-hikes, (which are created), by a bunch of men in suits which are pupated to create enormous shortage. People are quiet about it- we should be loud!
10.51 I tell myself: “look at the healing now you used for yourself- how you have this ability now to go and receive on another subject : you brought sound through your body- very focused ( i give an example) overtone sound, which brings the entire physical apparatus into a point of focus- a point of allowing spiritual force to move through you.
That was the first place. And then you allowed information to come through you which had more and more words within it, which gave you strength, power and clarity.
11.22 If we use the words we are taught by a system, we are denying ourselves the ability to self regulate and heal. If we are told, ‘this is right’, and ‘this is not’….
11.36 I give an example of communication of witness between love partners: I quote Kahlil Gibran’s “let there be spaces in your togetherness”. I explain how these words took a thought a feeling, an idea and bring them across to someone, How effective are we? We can only reach the other if they are able to perceive it. If the draw-bridge is up, the words will fall in the river. Our words contain things: we put them into the ether. Sometimes they reach the receiver they were intended for, and sometimes they feed the ether. And sometimes, they are negative- if they are hateful. They hurt the ether.
14.04 Words are shapes, vibrational entities. They touch us in ways…..
if we are many many points of pain, words may hurt us. I tell the story of a friend who had many active points of pain she needs to sort through. I explain how my innocent and even quiet expressions of a difference of opinion, touched all her pinpoints of pain. The clarity of me allowing myself quietly to hold an opinion which was different to hers, - something she would not allow herself to do, touched her like a little baby grenade….
15.15 Even beautiful good things can so things that look like they are disasters! That shows you that there is power in words…it wasn’t a disaster for her, she can now unpack these things and clean them out- beautiful! And she will.
I then speak on my recent situation of having £400 stolen form account…to enable that to process and clear, I can use words. I speak the lovely prayer I was given which words in such powerful way for me:
“I am the living spirit within, each and everything I do is for my highest good. I move towards that which nourishes me and I let go of all that drains me, completely, and I am always in the right place at the right time. “
(Gematria on this is interesting! “He Who Has The Key To The Heavens” :The Power Of God Protects Him”, “Truth Brings Reconciliation”, “The Secret Of Eternal Life Revealed”, “Love So Deep Love So Beautiful”, “Everything Is Okay God Says”, “May All Your Dreams Come True”, “I Am Lord God Almighty The Glory”, “The Key That Unlocks The Door”- as a few examples…)
I can give myself that freedom, not needing to be limited by the world, but moving as spirit, beyond all limitations.
17.51 I go on to explore the phenomenal meaning within he phrase, “I command Prime Creator, I command Prime Creation” (“I command Prime Creator” Gematria: The Quantum Number”, “Extraterrestrial”, “Fully Enlightened One”, “Divine Communication”. “I Love You Forever”, “I Kept My Promises”, “Cosmology Religion”, “Spiritual Texts”, “There is a lot going on”, “The Code To The Matrix”, - among many other extraordinary phrases…)

18.00 I look at the word command: ‘com’ ‘and’. ‘I am communicating with’ , in clarity….I am communicating in focus and clarity with Prime Creator….it blew me away when i first was able to say it!
I could feel I was changing as I said it.
I demonstrate the hugeness of these words, but speaking the full command.
20.18 What is a word, then?
How does a word contain energy?
It s like a form- you use it to call through you- it is technology. Instead of a wire, instead of a tunnel, you have a word.
I speak of the shapes you can see in recorded sound waves- spiral shapes within the sounds of words.
Sound makes a tunnel in space and time: each viol makes a different shape.
I speak about being able to travel because of words even when you never leave a physical place.
Words are ways to travel. The words come through you from somewhere- infinite fields, through your spiritual mechanism, your memories, your experience.
22.33 You are taking something non-corporeal and filtering it through your body into the world.

Books are technology.
Thought it far more complex than looking at a screen made from zeros and ones. It may be compression and non- compression- a vibrational frequency that you are picking up, which exists in the multiverse, you are tuning yourself to the resonant frequency, a certain sound that may be soundless to your ears, but feeling through. “IN the beginning there was the word, and the word was GOD.” The sound is the creation mechanism.

Being a channel of frequency information- aligning yourself to that frequency of openness and love.
26.16 Every word you use has a feeling, whether you are speaking to yourself in a space, or to your darling beloved- they will get something. Sometimes they get all of it, it depends upon whether they are a match on the frequency scale, they will get all of it or almost all of it. If they are the opposite ( of your frequency range) sometimes they will get temporarily hurt- just like my friend, who needs to find out what little boils did she have on herself that she needed to lance and release…
So there are ways that this energy of word - the word being the vehicle for conducting the energy through you, and what you align yourself with gives the purity and the meaning and the experience of the word- its vibrational frequency.
27.16 You can use very simple words, which have never been near to a bible or holy scripture- and convey pure love. You can go to a bible verse and create pure fear.
Your word is your intention.
If your word is immaculate, you seek always your spirit to guide everything you emit from yourself. That is true integrity and that has power because it has a clearer, stronger resonance when your words match to your experience within: the presence of your energetic body, plus the sound you are uttering ( your words), have a very large impact. And you can feel this through a screen. - Even if you live thousands of miles from me, you can feel my integrity. You can feel my love for you, for humanity.

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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