READY HUSBAND founder Chris Koeltzer on Being Prepared for the Future & ISRAEL.

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Chris K. sits down with Jeremy Slayden for a can't miss conversation on the true meaning of being prepared, and how we can heed the biblical warning for us NOT to make lies our refuge, or take shelter in falsehood. Chris fearlessly gives his perspective on many controversial topics including Israel. Join us tonight at 7:00 PM CST!

Chris spent 28 years in the Marine Corps as an officer and F-18 pilot, including 17 years in the Reserves while starting several businesses.  Chris is a thought leader in Task prioritization, best value, simplicity, and frugality, and he has spent hundreds of hours in preparing his family for the future —pondering, researching, compiling, and experimenting. He has made the fruits of his personal labor available for everyone at

Ready Husband is Caveman simple. It gives you a step-by-step guide to accelerate your family’s preparedness for any crisis. Instead of becoming victims, your family will survive and thrive, with you MOM and DAD, being the heroes. 

YOU can take advantage of this curriculum at no extra charge by signing up for warrior Mind Body and Soul at

Israel: hidden history of the nation state:

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